[-] LaLuzDelSol@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

You keep changing the goalposts on me. First of all, doctors DO have a long history of racism. Just look up racism in medicine, there are plenty of examples, including teaching for a long time in medical textbooks that black people don't feel pain as acutely as white people. Then there's also the whole euthanasia thing. In my home state of North Carolina, for decades doctors involuntarily sterilized black (usually homeless) patients. There was a big settlement a few years back.

To this day, black women are way more likely to die in childbirth. The reasons for for that are complicated but it has been suggested that racism is a factor (not taking the complaints and concerns of the women seriously).

I think the medical field has largely cleaned up their act, but they didn't get there by being told that All Doctors are Bastards. They got there by the long, slow, unsexy process of reform.

I am all for police reform. But saying "all cops are bastards" is no more truthful than saying "all doctors are bastards" a century ago.

[-] LaLuzDelSol@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

No not really, but you can do both. Ranked choice voting has already been enacted in several places in the US and they didn't get there by electing third- party majorities


[-] LaLuzDelSol@lemmy.world 14 points 1 day ago

The trick is to support ranked-choice voting in the meantime

[-] LaLuzDelSol@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

You didn't say anything about civilians. And besides, police officers can only use lethal force in either self defense or to protect others. In fact, that's the same standard for "lawful homicide" as literally anyone else.

[-] LaLuzDelSol@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

Replace cops with "doctors" or "engineers" or literally anything- why do people only make this argument with cops?

[-] LaLuzDelSol@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago


But anyways, i think it's just as reprehensible for, as an example, an engineer to not report his coworker cutting corners on an infrastructure project that could jeopardize an entire community (maybe he wanted to meet a deadline to make himself look good, maybe he took money under the table from an interested party) as for a cop to not report his coworker who took a bribe from a drug dealer. In both cases, the bystander has equal ability to intervene and potentially save lives. The fact that the police officer has the right to use force as part of their job description isn't really relevant.

[-] LaLuzDelSol@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

There is nothing inherently immoral about being a police officer though (as opposed to being a Nazi). Everyone but anarchists understands the need for police officers/"Violence of the state" in some capacity.

[-] LaLuzDelSol@lemmy.world -1 points 3 days ago

Haha welcome to Lemmy m8. I've gotten into this exact argument before. I'm all for police reform and I was out there in the George Floyd protests but the hatred of police officers on this platform is absolutely rabid.

Imo, the argument that ACAB because the good ones don't stop the bad ones can be applied to virtually any group of people. So we're all bastards I guess.

[-] LaLuzDelSol@lemmy.world 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

A lot of people don't know that Abraham Lincoln was a big proponent of prohibition. It was seen by progressives as an important step to move society forward.

[-] LaLuzDelSol@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

Jsyk, Kelvin doesn't use degrees, they just use Kelvin. Good to know so nerds won't get mad at you :)

[-] LaLuzDelSol@lemmy.world 90 points 3 months ago

Yeah, down with the violence of the state! Although, to prevent bad actors and armed gangs we do need to have some sort of militia to protect the vulnerable from the greedy and cruel, human nature being what it is. And to prevent said militia from turning into the very thing it was supposed to protect us from, we need some sort of oversight, preferably from a democratically elected body, that tells the militia how to act and prevent them from violating the rights of the people. Oh wait I just reinvented violence of the state hehe.

People in Somalia hearing that America has a 1.8% homelessness rate: "wow. Things are really just as bad over there."

[-] LaLuzDelSol@lemmy.world 86 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

-Very skilled songwriter. I don't necessarily like all her stuff but I legitimately think she's the best songwriter (meaning, composing music and writing lyrics) of her generation. Probably since Bruce Springsteen or Billy Joel.

-Very attractive and a good performer

-Well connected in the music industry let her get an early start/inside track

-obsessed with being popular. I don't mean that in a negative way, but her primary objective with her music is to please as many people as possible. I think the documentary "Miss Americana" on Netflix explains that very well-at one point she straight up says "I just want people to like me" or something like that. That means her music/career has always focused on mass appeal as opposed to making more... limited-appeal music like most artists do at some point in their career

-she's kept a remarkably clean image even through being famous for close to two decades. It's very telling that the worst thing her haters can say about her is "but her plane uses a lot of carbon!" This means parents let kids listen to her, brands love her as a sponsor, nobody boycotts her, etc.

-one last thing, I think people love her songs because they feel like they're true. Her songs have a very intimate, almost confessional quality that a lot of artists strive for buy often comes off as fake.

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