[-] LeninsOvaries@lemmy.cafe 14 points 2 days ago

Cars are bourgeois counterrevolutionary noise machines

[-] LeninsOvaries@lemmy.cafe 2 points 3 days ago

Yep, gender is cancelled. Let's ban gender so trans people can't have it

[-] LeninsOvaries@lemmy.cafe 9 points 3 days ago

and is only tangentially related to transgender women because of the estrogen they take

Good point, estrogen is related to trans women. We should ban estrogen and force everyone to take antiestrogens, so nobody can be a trans woman. Also, vaginas. We should make vaginas illegal.

[-] LeninsOvaries@lemmy.cafe 7 points 3 days ago

According to Red OSP, there aren't actually 9 norse realms. The Vikings just liked the number 9.


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