We learned some general pronunciation rules but that was just for the vocabulary we had to learn for the lessons. The problem is that there are so many exceptions to the rules of pronunciation in English that you have to guess with like every third word if you didn't hear it before somehow. I mean, look at this
It is even more funny if the reading isn't in your native language. I can write in English at a C1-C2 level but I am at the B level when speaking as I have no clue how to pronounce most of my regular vocabulary that I use when writing.
Wasn't it a derogatory term for asian car tuners at first before being used for the linux stuff?
FwB is a friend with benefits, usually of a sexual nature, and FFM means either Frankfurt am Main or a threesome with two female and one male participant.
Maggi ist auch nur gesalzenes Glutamat.
I don't know, I just do everything in person when I have to do stuff with the government.
Just go to Germany if you want to experience this again!
Ich habe damit keine Probleme, da ich hauptsächlich im englischsprachigen Internetz mein Unwesen treibe und Wörter, wie du sie als Beispiel hattest, oft weitaus häufiger im Englischen vorkommen. Deshalb höre ich mich aber iel ein wenig versnobt an, wenn ich mich nur an das englische, oft aus dem Französischen oder Latein kommende Wort erinnere und dann versuche es irgendwie einzudeutschen.
Aiwanger ist bei den Freien Wählern.
Well, their name comes from the greek word for dog, it only makes sense for this to be alluded to in a statue of Diogenes.
If those people are marginalised why not make organisations that help them get into programming?
When you think about stereotypical programmers, you usually picture a white guy somewhere between 30 and 50 years of age (at least in Europe and I presume the USA). Coding used to be a profession that was predominantly made up of women but when it became clear that it would become an important job more and more men became interested in IT so that now there are about eight male programmers out of ten.
Black people have similar issues (and god forbid you are a black woman) in that they often are paid worse for the same jobs than white people and have worse chances to get good secondary education and academic jobs even if they have the same intelligence as white people. Helping people to get into computer sciences that statistically have way lower chances to do so without any fault of their own is a good thing in my opinion.