Yeah sadly the consolidated the more nefarious regime change part into the state department.
It’s fine I wasn’t very clear with my reply so I see how it could be misconstrued. You’re clearly still traumatised from the original argument lol.
Are you talking to me? I said that racism was traditionally used as a tool to divide working class movements so anti racism and class war go hand in hand. Trying to have one without the other is a classic way to divide working people against each other. Pretty weird how you read what I wrote and assumed I’m a racist.
Funny because racism is a classic way to neuter class war
If only the liberals hadn’t knee capped his campaign.
Or read some of Phillip K Dicks books I’d also add the film Brazil to that list
Honestly I’m not the biggest fan of everything in China but these are the types of problems the Chinese government seems to try to figure out a lot more than our governments do.
Sorry but it’s all over the news in Austria Lol. I wonder why the Jewish dude in Florida shooting at two Jews because he thought they were Palestinians isn’t in the news here?
By the way the guy who stopped the stabbing a Muslim Syrian immigrant.
I wonder if he’ll be tried as a terrorist. I feel like any other violent ideological act like this would be.
There are also some pretty chill creative people who don’t care about the money and the fame much. Even though having money is nice and makes your life much easier.