Means they don't know...
Although asshole might be strong.
Means they don't know...
Although asshole might be strong.
updoots to freetube, plug it into libredirect for an even better experience.
How good is the DAC? In the market for a new walkman...
It's Intel, you too can have fedora atomic, and it'll likely last another 5 years.
Why ship pieces instead of shipping manufacturing capability (nano 3D printing etc) and use resources at the end point? By then presumably we've got asteroid mining down, no?
I'd still piss on his grave tho, but not if he was on fire.
Finally got the stones. Must be an election year...
Does cookie autodelete count?
Seed oils bad...
Could being the operative word. Didn't look, clikbait, shan't support. If you expected more, sigh.
Thanks kindly.