[-] Mostly_Gristle@lemmy.world 9 points 16 hours ago

Historically, the people who say, "Some folks need killing," usually turn out to be the folks who actually need killing.

[-] Mostly_Gristle@lemmy.world 11 points 1 day ago

If we're going to be running minor celebrities for the Irish presidency, the only real choice is Blindboy Boatclub.

[-] Mostly_Gristle@lemmy.world 29 points 1 day ago

He's taken many too many blows to the head. Listen to interviews with him early in his career and compare them to his interviews now. The level of brain damage he's endured is pretty obvious.

[-] Mostly_Gristle@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

Bring back OK Soda or there's nothing to discuss.

[-] Mostly_Gristle@lemmy.world 177 points 2 days ago

Did the mushroom learn to control a robot, or did the scientists figure out how to connect a robot to a mushroom in such a way as to make the regular processes happening inside the mushroom trigger a set of robot legs? Because the article makes it seem like the mushroom is intelligent and has agency, and was thus far only lacking the proper robot body in order to express that; but the video makes it look like the legs were all pumping in unison, and the resulting movement was more or less coincidental.

[-] Mostly_Gristle@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

I read that title like three or four times before I finally realized it didn't say "formed an alliance as a paramilitary group."

[-] Mostly_Gristle@lemmy.world 192 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

This bullshit was basically my first experience with Windows 11 when I got a new PC last year. Literally, "Why is my internet so slow? What's this OneDrive thing? Oh, holy shit fucking stop Jesus Christ!"

Just automatically started uploading everything on my hard drive to an account I didn't set up, without even a prompt telling me it was happening, and no obvious way to make it stop. I didn't even know Windows had added a cloud storage option. I actually had to completely uninstall OneDrive to finally make it stop.

I might have liked having a native backup service in Windows if it was like, "Hey look at this handy cloud storage tool we've added to Windows! Would you like to pick some files to save?" But as it is, it might as well just be another piece of spyware.

There's a big long list of reasons why I hate Windows 11, but this OneDrive shit is the thing that's making me think maybe it's time to ditch Windows for good.

[-] Mostly_Gristle@lemmy.world 136 points 4 months ago

If this dude figured out how to lift a full size duty weapon out of a retention holster using nothing but a plastic dino-grabber then he deserves to keep those guns.

[-] Mostly_Gristle@lemmy.world 337 points 6 months ago

No. That sounds like wage theft. If my boss pulled something like that I'd be on the phone with my state's department of labor so freakin' fast. If you worked the hours they have to pay you for it.

Even if it weren't illegal, it'd be a big flashing neon sign saying, "We will screw you over every chance we get, and you will be nothing but miserable working here."

[-] Mostly_Gristle@lemmy.world 119 points 7 months ago

Student: "Hey, a shortcut! Let me first just walk around the long way so I can measure the length of the other two sides, multiply those lengths by themselves, add them together, and find out how much extra walking I've saved myself by taking the shortcut. Boy, this shortcut sure is saving me a lot of effort. Hooray Pythagoras!"

[-] Mostly_Gristle@lemmy.world 219 points 8 months ago

So the guy who notoriously despises public transit failed to come through on his promise to revolutionize public transit?


I mean, who could have seen that coming?

[-] Mostly_Gristle@lemmy.world 168 points 1 year ago

I'm not surprised. I've heard stories as far back as 2015 or 2016 about people storming out in the middle of their pastor's sermon because the pastor directly quoting Jesus' sermon on the mount was too "woke."

Mark my words: if conservatives can no longer advance their cause under the guise of Christianity, they won't abandon conservatism. They will abandon Jesus.

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