An inspiration, all teachers should do this!
It’s surprising that in all these years, nobody came up with this innovation to make Twitter more profitable but in just a short time period, Musk was able to figure it out. Goes to show why he’s the richest man in the world!
Your argument is that there is NOT a significant difference between me building a house vs me buying a house 50 years later. As for the properties that I’ve put into my infant son’s name already, he pretty much built those houses himself right? No difference.
Take the L you fucking loser. You will never smear my son and I as being measly construction workers.
No, I’m quite literally not, in any way. I’ll take just one of my many investment properties to explain to you how dumb you’re being. This house was built in a suburb of San Diego in 1979 and sold for $25,000. The people who built it are possibly dead by now and were, all together paid $25,000 for the land together with the house that they built. It changed hands many times, at some point a bank foreclosed on whoever was living there, and I bought it from the bank. The house is worth $775,000 dollars now and I rent it out for $3,500 a month. Every 7 months I make more money renting out this house than the people who built it were ever paid for doing that, and me buying it had absolutely nothing at all to do with it getting built.
Please stop trying to make me out to be a construction worker. I’m not, I’m a landlord and proud of it.
It’s quite a big distinction to me, I’m not a fucking construction worker. Gross. I also don’t usually pay anybody to build a house, I mostly scoop up already existing homes whenever there’s a market crash and the lazy poors get foreclosed on.
You’re confused. An honorable and successful landlord such as myself would not be caught dead walking around in a goofy looking hardhat swinging a wrench around or whatever construction people do.
Happy to rent to you! Let’s not get confused though, you’ll be paying for all of your own living expenses as well as for mine. Due every month on the first.
That’s not a bad idea. Then once I’ve gotten the employees to donate a certain amount like $5,000 I can deliver it to the charity myself in the form of a big cardboard check, and do a photo op and put it in the company newsletter so everybody knows how good I am.
Solid business decision by Spotify here, I support this move. I’ll probably switch over to them from YouTube music.
Stealing anything from a store is the worst thing anybody can do
This is what I love about the free market. You can change the world by drinking the right sodas!
It’s good practice to buy at least one or two new smartphones per year.