The Forest has an awesome soundtrack, but the complete edition is on creator's youtube channel.
Been having similar issues here, on Zorin OS. DS4 controller(s) sometimes disconnect, sometimes one of them gets noticeable input delay. Then, after some time or some update, the controllers stopped connecting automatically to the dongle I am using, even though they were already paired to it. Actually, I think they stop connecting automatically only after I reboot the computer, so that means it's an OS / software issue. It's a cheap bluetooth dongle, so at first I thought that chinesium was to blame, but seeing as others have these problems...
ok that makes me sick
You could probably install one from the package manager.
yes and I love it
Never pre-order.
Dying Light 1 is awesome to play HUDless, but you have to learn the controls beforehand, and you have to enable the HUD again for a certain bossfight, or just memorize the keypresses for it from a walkthrough.
Is it possible to disable the enemy life bars in your game?