Weird, is that an excursively US American thing? I am European and have never experienced "phone racism".
Apple advertisement department in stealthy mode
I like how you captured the fucked up aesthetic of the road cutting through nature and how the birds adapted.
Genosse Donald ✊
Am I the only one who thinks the real asshole here is "All Nations", the evangelical organization that indoctrinated and trained Chau, who was obviously a very naive and easy to manipulate young man?
It triggers me every single time I read it. When did journalists forget how to write like adults? Who as we all know, would use criticize instead of slam.
Ich esse selbst gerne scharf und würzig, verwende häufig Chili, mache mein eigenes Chili-Öl (Szechuan Art) und mein eigenes Kimchi. Was ich aber nie verstehen werde ist warum Menschen sich diese absichtlich ungenießbar scharf gezüchteten Chili Sorten antun, außer als kindische Mutprobe. Die Dinger tun doch einfach nur weh und vom Essen schmeckt man dann sowieso nix mehr.
Wer ~~hat uns verraten~~ verrät uns bei jeder Gelegenheit?
confused metric noises
The Bible is truly a disgusting tale of incest!