Nur mal so zum Vergleich: Haftstrafen für Schwarzfahren - Wer zu arm ist, kommt in den Knast
The problem is not the use of copyrighted material. The problem is doing so without permission and without paying for it.
Are there any reports of him being violent outside of custody though? If not, he is obviously not a danger to the public and the primary problem is that he was put in custody.
Why do people still buy Blizzard games?! Sure D2 was great but that was long ago and nowadays Blizzard sucks hard.
Before even clicking I guessed correctly -just from the unbelievable cruelty- that this has happened in India. Of course rape is a problem everywhere but Indian rape culture seems to be especially horrific.
Well, fuck them, at this point indie games are often better than AAA titles anyway.
Stop putting in that bath salt at the end?
Das Maimai scheint noch aus dem letzten Jahrtausend zu stammen. Es ist doch Allgemeinwissen das Tschads heutzutage Fahrrad fahren oder den Bus/Zug nehmen.
Eat the rich!