[-] NeptuneOrbit@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago

It's a little different because people complained, Pelosi (aka the party listened) acted.

I our current political system, the game theory just doesn't work for much besides a two party system.

[-] NeptuneOrbit@lemmy.world 8 points 1 day ago

Definitely would have saved on construction and maintenance cost to make it out of flat, interchangeable sheets.

[-] NeptuneOrbit@lemmy.world 86 points 2 months ago

Rev 13:3

One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast.

Not like his morons read the Bible or anything but it's right there.

[-] NeptuneOrbit@lemmy.world 124 points 2 months ago

Even I, master of nothing, can crop an image.

[-] NeptuneOrbit@lemmy.world 168 points 2 months ago

I've yet to hear a good criticism of Biden that isn't also true of Trump. Yet the media rarely writes a headline like "Trump should drop out/resign/kill himself"

Because he obviously won't. He will pursue your freedoms, wealth and sanity until his dying breath.

I'm getting old (lemmy.world)
Which Mando? (lemmy.world)
[-] NeptuneOrbit@lemmy.world 94 points 3 months ago

Biden rigged the DOJ to garner sympathy and also to punish his son for doing too much marihuana

[-] NeptuneOrbit@lemmy.world 190 points 3 months ago

The bad Ai dj. The car thing they rolled back. The new logo that's the same as the old one, but now border. The cache that causes you to hear the same ten songs multiple times in a week.

Howdy ho (lemmy.world)
[-] NeptuneOrbit@lemmy.world 208 points 3 months ago

Some undecideds, sure. It only takes ten thousand voters in a couple swing states to change the outcome.


Adjacent squares, eh?

Mk? (lemmy.world)

Ya hear?

[-] NeptuneOrbit@lemmy.world 173 points 4 months ago

I would leave a comment but I'll be busy (with a girl, you wouldn't understand)

#hustle (lemmy.world)
[-] NeptuneOrbit@lemmy.world 88 points 4 months ago

Pardon himself. Pardon his whole coup and January 6 crew. Imprison Biden and Clinton and more. Tell Israel to nuke Gaza. Give Putin the nuclear codes. Shit his pants. Die in a pool of diet coke.

[-] NeptuneOrbit@lemmy.world 142 points 4 months ago

"protests don't do anything"

"the protests are violent and racist"

Yada Yada yada

[-] NeptuneOrbit@lemmy.world 102 points 5 months ago

*HOAs which reinvented taxes

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