In the old times the king bore the failures of his kingdom. They chopped him up and put the parts around the borders for protection and watered the crops with his blood. Just sayin.
Idk, I think its kinda nice, it shows that she actually spent time around him and so cared for him. Maybe she's not a psychopath like trump or she would've farmed the kids out to nanny's.
I know... I love food and have a huge thing for not wasting food too
Travesty incoming
She's obviously too pretty to be smart /s
I most often find food, I actually drink the coffee most of the time
Full of yarn and let's face it, I'm not going to knit
The metaphor thing has blown my mind
joined 1 week ago
I'm tall and a woman. It makes me happy and feel kinda powerful that I could cause this situation and maybe even have since I've dated shorter guys and am oblivious to social stuff.