What is that bullshit title?
He is not getting anything wrong. He's lying. Clearly, openly and intentionally.
What is that bullshit title?
He is not getting anything wrong. He's lying. Clearly, openly and intentionally.
Actually yes... fascism is a natural consequence of late-stage capitalism as it's one way to keep the exploited masses under control by focussing their anger away from the wealthy leaders.
This kind of nutjob small brained bigotry is ruining our country and embarrasssing us gloablly. Other countries see these anti-human laws and realize we're crumbling and don't really stand behind our American "values" or our consitution.
You would hope this is the case but in reality the right-wing nutjobs everywhere just copy/paste US culture war idiocy, usually even without making the slithest necessary adaption to make them fit.
Oh, are you telling one of your favorite propaganda lies again?
In reality Germany -a small country with just ~16% of the US' GDP- is providing 40% of the US' support just in military aid (also more than the next 5 countries combined), and about three times as much measured by share of GDP in total.
Yet still after nearly two years the lie that Ukraine's by far biggest supporters are actually NoT DoInG aNyThInG bUt ThE bArE mInImUm is still Russia's top export.
So, personal agenda/interests probably...
You shouldn't dismiss those as imaginary as money doesn't pop out of thin air. All those gains need to be created by real workers being exploited harder elsewhere.
That's the point of a roundabout. It lowers speed at the crossing while also increasing throughput compared to a regular crossing.
So you can indeed lower speed at a crossing area while not lowering the speed of traffic overall, just by eliminating the waiting times.
"Ist dir schon mal aufgefallen, dass es nicht viele Schwarze Einwanderer gibt, die hier alt werden?"
Oder anders formuliert: "Ist dir schonmal aufgefallen, das vor 40-50 Jahren nicht viele Schwarze nach Deutschland eingewandert sind?" Ja, ist mir aufgefallen. Soll ich jetzt irgednwie überrascht gucken?
Funny how you seem to believe that the majority of christians even knows so many details about their own religion....
Welcome to the real world where US jets can't be re-exported without the US' approval, where nobody can re-export Isreali-build missiles without Israel's approval, where Switzerland blocks the delivery of ammunition produced by a Swiss company or where Estonia couldn't even send old howitzers to Ukraine without Germany's approval although those were actually soviet-build and only for a short time owned by Germany (via ex-GDR stocks)...
This has exactly zero to do with the US or Europe but with the internationally agreed terms of arms export that absolutely everyone agreed upon... or most arms trade would mostly cease to exist.
But that's okay... we can live with the US being dependent on Europeans to send NASAMS to Ukraine and having to ask for approval first.
But nice atttempt at trolling...
Nothing in general. Well the build times are rediculous in Europe and planning right not to build nuclear soon is too late already for any agreed upon climate goal. But that's another matter...
The problem is the brain-washed nuclear cult on social media briganding everything. In the last year on Reddit you couldn't even post any report about any new opening of wind or solar power without it degenerating into always the same story: "bUt ReNeWaBlEs DoN't WoRk! StOrAgE DoEs'Nt ExIsT! tHeY aRe A sCaM tO bUrN mOrE FoSsIl FuElS! gErMaNy KiLlEd ThEir NuClEaR To BuRn MoRe CoAl BeCaUsE ThEy ArE InSanE!!"
Mentioning the fact that Germany in reality shut down reactors not even contributing 5% of their electricity production that were scheduled for shutdown for 30 years and in a state you would expect with that plan and already more than replaced by renewables got you donwvoted into oblivion every single time.
One of the flattest and lowest countries in the world voting to help rising sea levels among other things because right-wing populists cried "blame the evil foreigners" as usual.
If humanity should die out, we at least know it was justified...