[-] Ooops@kbin.social 14 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

No, actually they would have loved to make it easy. Yet the EU is opposed to it.

So now they are doing it in baby steps to get solid data on every step of the way to show the EU rules are bullshit.

First step: decriminalisation for limited amounts, home growing and private clubs.

Next step: licensed distribution in selective model regions, documented as per agreements with the EU commission.

After that: negotiations with similiarly minded EU countries

Full legalisation can basically only happen with an EU frame work and that will be a marathon...

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 13 points 9 months ago

Which means your upbringing and education is ripe with coditioning to become a trash human. So that's just another chicken/egg problem.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 13 points 10 months ago

Sadly I'm still pretty sure the most damage here has been done by Ukraine itself:

Yes, of course there are some nazis in Ukraine. Sadly every country seem to have some fringe right-wing morons. And using them to fight Russia, especially in a time when the offcial army wasn't up to the task yet, was understandable.

But that's not the main problem. The main problem is doubt that Ukraine will be able to handle them at some point when it's necessary. And when -to paraphrase Ukraine's then ambassador to Germany for example in 2015- the answer to the question if they realize that this can become a problem down the road is: "No, you are lying to help Russian propaganda! There are and never in history were any right-wing groups in Ukraine!" that's a pretty big indicator that they won't manage that problem ever. Because acknowledging it exists would have been the required first step instead of spewing insane rants.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 13 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Companies give a shit about giving us information. It's all about the advertising, so they will flock to the next closed-source company-controlled shithole.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 13 points 1 year ago

Many thousands have died needlessly in the unnecessary, unwinnable, and increasingly unaffordable war in Ukraine.

Yeah, sure. It's entirely a needless and unnecessary war... unless of course they would like their country to keep existing and not get jailed, deported, "re-educated" or killed in the atrocities Russians are documented to commit in the areas occupied.

Somehow I couldn't bring myself to read more of this bullshit after that first sentence...

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Differenzierung ist ja auch bewusst nicht gewünscht. Es geht im Gegenteil darum, Menschen zu verwirren, in dem man es ganz gezielt vermischt. Deshalb gab's ja z.B. auch so geniale Vorschläge, wie als Maßnahmen gegen illegale Migranten mehr Länder zu sicheren Herkunktsländern zu erklären, damit legal Geduldete abgeschoben werden können (Kretschmer).

Oder es gab großes Gejammer bei der CxU (inklusive Vorwürfe die Bevölkerung zu täuschen) als mehr mobile Fahnder gegen illegale Einreise beschlossen wurden. Die zuständigen Behörden sagen dir zwar ganz klar, dass das die sinnvolle Maßnahme ist und feste Grenzkontrollen stattdessen nichts bringen, aber die Opposition will halt lieber die Symbolpolitik als Lösungen. Oder konkret ausgedrückt: Sie will das Problem, um damit Meinung zu machen. Wenn das Problem eigentlich (in dem Umfang) gar nicht existiert, wird es erfunden.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 13 points 1 year ago

Woher willst du wissen, dass der Durchschnitts-Deutsche nichts anderes versteht? Die Medien fallen doch schon seit langem nur durch ziemlichess Versagen auf und scheinen schlicht nichts weiter als einfachste Narrative mehr zu können.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 15 points 1 year ago

I know I should be more positive about this.

But PiS is still the strongest party. And they did more damage in their years of goverment than can be quickly repaired.

There will be also be no improvement in the EU as now Hungary has Slovakia as a new partner to block every progress.

So one step forward, two steps back as usual.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yeah, more death and misery for civilians. That will totally show the people why not to support the only ones fighting for them, even if it's a fucking terrorist group like Hamas. Just like Dehousing worked against Germany in WW2, shooting Ukrainian schools and kindergardens works in Ukraine today, and more than a dozen similiar examples in between those two totally worked...

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The country received 322,000 asylum requests last year,

So nothing unusual compared to nearly 800k in 2016...

second only to the much larger U.S.,

Also nothing new, the U.S. has always been loudly talking about being an immigation country when in reality immigration isn't exceptional high compared to their size and they are only talking about a long past historical fact.

and is struggling to cope

Nope, only struggling against being drowned in that same right narrative pushed here...

Unsurprising with that being just the headline everything following is also bullshit.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 12 points 1 year ago

The targets got missed by construction (some small part) and transport (mainly)... and again like clockwork the brain-washed nuclear brigade storms in lying about electricity production.

[-] Ooops@kbin.social 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yeah, these numbers are often wrong even between lemmy instances, kbin is even worse.

Btw... I see a solid number of 3 subscribers right now. Logging out and in would probably change this...

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