The deluxe remaster game of the year edition really fixed most of the original flaws with LMS. It's truly masterclass now.
I got roughly 100 hours in. I only played a few battles over, opened most of the maps, but didn't complete all the side quests. I got frustrated by the length at the end and simply
sacrificed Gale instead of actually fighting the brain
No regrets whatsoever.
I had a beelink ser5, and without giving you the bench marks, I can tell you that many games that were unplayable on cinnamon or kde, did work in openbox. I would log out and back into that DE just to play games.
Just my observation. I have upgraded my PC so I haven't needed to repeat that with my new one.
Nope. I was in your position with a Pi400, got tired of the poor performance with streaming UHD stuff across multiple devices and went with the ser. I now have a ser 5 and 6, and they are beasts for their size.
Best I can do is /c/forestgardening
Baldur's Gate 3.
WHAA? They made mugs. That so cool. I wanna see.
I've got 2. One I've worn and one that I never have. The worn one I've only wore a handful of times because, even then, I knew it would never be replicated.
Do NOT skip on Prey either.
Tool - Aenima
Sky Cries Mary - A Return to the Inner Experience
Dead Can Dance - Spirit chaser
Depeche Mode - Violator
Faith No More - The Real Thing.
Listening to that right now, coincidentally.