[-] Paragone@sh.itjust.works 0 points 3 months ago

Back in the last century, iirc, or the very early 2000's, I logged-out of my desktop ( linux ) one time & discovered there was a new user on my machine..

the new username was "you are dead".

1st time I knew I'd been cracked.

Not a nice feeling.

Educational, however, & motivating..

did me good.

I'm glad the person was more interested in communicating my trusting foolishness to me, than in doing real harm..

_ /\ _

[-] Paragone@sh.itjust.works 0 points 5 months ago

Many years ago, it was discovered that Wine could run Windows viruses/worms/malware just fine, thank you very much..

"Sandboxing", it isn't.

It runs with all the privileges of the user running the app, iirc.

[-] Paragone@sh.itjust.works 1 points 6 months ago

You'd probably want to segregate the hard-tech from the soft/bio-tech:

IF you require deterministic-performance, THEN stay away from meat-implimentation.

IF you require sentience-sensitivity, THEN stay away from hard-tech implimentation.

( same principle as requiring both people & systems, in order to project effective force, economically, militarily, in disaster-relief, in any domain,

same principle as using both a wordsless-wholistic metaphor-understanding sentience in one's right-hemisphere, vs a reductionistic sentience in one's left, as the split-brain patients showed.

2 orthogonal systems, collaborating .. produces greater results than either-kind would on its own! )

Organic-sentience and machine-compute, organic doing the high-level-decisions, & machines doing the low-level-competencies, seems much more realistic.

[-] Paragone@sh.itjust.works 1 points 6 months ago

The single most-important thing you CAN do, is understand yourself as profoundly as you can.

Read John Truby's book "The Anatomy of Genres", which is on the 14 story-genres that we form our own meanings of.

He's got a few details wrong

( like mistaking the Wild West village for what Village-archetype is, when real Village-archetype is the Tribal Mother Village,

and he misunderstands humor, as well, believing that the US-culture "drop" ( related to put-down ) is the core of humor, but the entire category of creative-misinterpretation is humor that isn't dependent on "the drop".

Hofstadter, in his "Godel Escher Bach" book, identified that the real shape of humor is the moebius strip: a strange loop.

You walk around in a "circle", and .. discover you're now somehow upside-down??

Surprised-by-improbability, would be near-the-heart of it.

Anyways )

Truby's book is CRAMMED with psychology insights into our forming, our growing-up, etc.

I'd require it of all high-schoolers, planetwide, for their HS diploma:

simply by making people encounter considering how they're forming the meaning that they, themselves, are, would lever humanity up into much greater global understanding/competence, though it'd take a generation or 2 for the effects to become visible...

Lanier's "Foreign to Familiar" & Hofstede's "Exploring Culture" are both important, too, because if you know that some of the dimensions of culture they identify work a particular way for you ( ie doesn't-work or you-need-this ), then suddenly, that spotlights something in your nature that has harmony in a specific subset of cultures, and shows you why that is doing this, in you..

( libraries exist: you don't need to buy those, but the Truby books, you'll probably fill with notes.. )

_ /\ _

[-] Paragone@sh.itjust.works 7 points 6 months ago

A Corporation is:

  • an incorporated "person", that
  • is legally-obliged to be psychotic, narcissistic, machiavellian, sociopathic-psychopathic, and short-termist/nihilist, using all the systemic-dishonesty that it can, for gain
  • the only dimension of the DarkHexad that it isn't obliged to be, is sadistic.. that's optional.
  • it cannot ever be put in prison, because it's a herd, not an individual: it can dissipate, but it cannot die, or be forced to experience karma: only individuals can be truly-accountable.

( DarkHexad:

  • narcissistic
  • machiavellian
  • sociopathic-psychopathic
  • nihilist
  • sadist
  • systemic-dishonesty )

( all this to say that the legalistically-enacted-treason of granting "personhood" to corporations killed strategic-viability for all countries, and the highjacking-of-the-world's-economy AND the world's-governments, by corporations, is global unfolding proof.

What should have happened, is a separate category of pseudopersons should have been created, with systematically-limited rights, including prohibiting the things from interfering in elections,

but that would have required some real integrity & spine... )

( finally, for anybody so young/naive as to believe that charities are inherently-good, go volunteer in the management of one for a few years, & then see how you view integrity.. )

[-] Paragone@sh.itjust.works 4 points 6 months ago

just to set the record straight..

I use the word, specifically to point-out that it's UNrelated to the n-word.

WHEN we kowtow to disinformation,

THEN we are accommodating disinformation's rule.

Fight it tooth & nail, ever mm of the way.

Ideological disinformation, national-narcissism disinformation, historical disinformation, linguistic disinformation, Scientism's disinformation & other pseudoscientific disinformation, ALL of it.

[-] Paragone@sh.itjust.works -1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)


Pyrrol-disorder ( amygdala-hijack always pressuring, and ambushing/breaking one into PTSD-RAGE, with any "straw that broke the camel's back" ), was treated best with the mixture of Zinc Gluconate, Zinc Picolinate, Arachidonic-acid-precursor Evening Primrose Oil ( 2 big capsules / day ), and P5P form of one of the Vitamin B's.

This gave me the ONLY experience I've ever had, in my life, of not-fighting-the-pressure-of-pending-amygdala-hijack-every-second, and it left me .. HAPPY. Never experienced anything like that, before...

Why'd I quit it? I'm an old-testament Vajrayana, & meditation must be my primary-weapon of self-conquering, not pills, AND taking Zinc every 6 hours was a brutal regime, and it was razor's-edge chemical-balance to maintain.

Walsh is right that people with pyrrol-disorder ( which wrongly eradicates zinc from our bodies, leaving too-little for normal management of copper, or for methylation-of-DNA for that matter ) require dangerous ( to others! ) levels of metals-intake to reach correct-balancing between copper & zinc. I was taking enough to probably kill any non-pyrrol-disorder person: 4x the Tolerable Upper Limit. It worked, though, exactly as Walsh indicated.


Solitude, & systematically healing food, & the corrections for 2 epigenetic-disorders that Western Medicine won't allow are real ( because it'd GUT authority-based psychiatry if the evidence were admitted ), that demonstrated exactly what actually is wrong, and gave me leverage in owning my life, more completely.


  • EVIDENCE-based knowing.

.: Scientific Method & Objectivity is itself one of the therapies I broke the gaslighting of doctors ( and medical-professional parents ) with, and so must be considered a valid therapy, too.

Kaizen, aka relentless evolving, as one's personal Religion.

( my cosmology is Vajrayana, simply because Universe's-speech, aka Evidence, broke the worldviews I was brought-up in.

Ramakrishna Vivekananda too contempted the prejudice masquerading as "science", that I call Scientism, which presumes materialism, and therefore presumes that Awareness/Knowing/Meaning/Will can't be real, but that is prejudice: all those are testable and objectively-real.

What produces cities, if awareness/knowing/meaning/will don't exist??

"Randomness & mindless statistical process", according to fundamentalist materialism's dogma. )

Some have even tested entanglement in the macro-scale by experiment:

  • the experiment of having dog-owners set a video recorder in their home, with timestamping on, and they mark down when they decide to leave for home, at work, and the video records if the dog(s) light-up right then .. obviously, it doesn't matter how many such pairs don't demonstrate such entanglement: if even 1 pair is so good at demonstrating it, then that falsifies the dogma that "That Can't Happen" and "That Isn't Possible".

  • the experiment of having women in some quiet context, and a wired camera that can see them is connected to a switcher, and one, or another, person is watching a monitor, and sometimes that monitor is showing the woman... can she identify when someone is watching her?? IF yes, THEN that, too, falsifies the materialist Scientism/prejudice "That Can't Happen" and "That Isn't Possible".

I haven't read the book, but only the first few pages...

it is from this book that I got those 2 examples, and yes, they do stand up to replication.


Since I've experienced enough evidence to know when authority-based-"science" is gaslighting me,

and since even physicist Weinberg commented on the fact that 100 ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE ( a Googol, as he observed ) contradiction between evidence & established-theory, re the measured Cosmological Constant, vs The Standard Model of Cosmology


Scientism is unfalsifiable, Science holds that ONE "Black Swan", that actually exists, FALSIFIES "All Swans Are White", no matter how Scientism keeps conveniently-measuring only white swans, as a means of "proving" that only white swans exist...

Karl Popper would have called-out that NON-falsifiable dogma ISN'T AND NEVER WAS Science, as would have Carl Sagan...

Evidence convinced me of what I hold to be true, and I'm continuing on that path, until I die, in the hopes of breaking my Soul/CellOfGod/ChildOfGod/Atman from getting perpetually-recycled in Universe.

( deem the existence of awareness to be delusion, and the existence of awareness-beyond-this-body to be delusion, all you want: Mom brought me up Catholic, and it was discovering that some of the Soul-memories I'd recovered were of previous-lives, that blew-up ALL the Abrahamic-assumption-rivers/religions, for me. It took YEARS to adjust to that forced-change-in-worldview.

Notice that Ramakrishna Vivekananda observed, in the 1800's, White man's absolute contempt for Universe violating materialism, and refusal to either do the experiment honestly OR to accept the testimony of anybody who actually did the experiment.


Here is a taste of his scientific mind: https://ramakrishnavivekananda.info/vivekananda/volume_1/addresses_at_the_parliament/v1_c1_paper_on_hinduism.htm

I'm not going to bother digging until I find the point, somewhere in Volume 1 of his Complete Works, where he explicitly states that it "takes guts" to do the experiment, and that White man won't do the experiment: find it yourself, if you care about that. )

IF you prefer authority-based-medicine, and have the gall to ignore the evidence even called-out in one of John Brockman's books, probably "This Idea Must Die" ( that "evidence based medicine" which provably ISN'T evidence-based, it is authority-based ), then contempt me, categorically, as defective, in your religion.

Here is that article from Edge.org, which was made into a chapter of one of his books:


Addiction-to-integrity & addiction-to-Universe's-actual-bizarre-unfolding/opening both are good addictions, to me.

That IS the assumption-river/religion of Empiricism intersecting Kaizen.

You have your assumption-river/religion, fundamentalist-materialists have theirs, I have mine.

Eternity is going to continue reprpocessing/recycling ALL energies contained within Universe, and I want out, pronto.

Remain within, if that makes you feel great.

That is what evolution means, within a continuum/soul, obviously: your soul sows, through you, your soul reaps, through future "lives"/incarnations. How could it work properly if you just don't mean anything? MEAN what you mean: self-honesty, no matter how contempted by the currently-fashionable prejudice, is healing!

Notice that Evolution works externally, ie between generations of a species UNTIL human-category-life, and then, because self evolution becomes possible, it becomes possible to "climb the inner mountain", as buddhism calls it ( naming that inner-mountain "Mount Meru", but many mistake it for some external thing, nowadays ).

: )

Born autistic, lost 10% of my brain between about 10-16, then, in the last 14y or so ( I'm gaining on 60yo ), a thousand-ish concussions, trying to break my will-to-live with a cudgel, so I could murder my life, but eventually learned that will-to-live is stronger, in this brain, than I am, so I'm stuck living, and therefore am stuck living with the consequences of all-3 waves of brain-injury.

It takes years to grow-in new/replacement brain, but the meditations do speed the process.

Western minds may find convincing in a book named "Super Genes" by geneticist Tanzi & co-author Chopra, https://www.amazon.com/Super-Genes-Astonishing-Optimum-Well-Being-ebook/dp/B00TNDIDNG/ and it cites the science backing its arguments for malleable/earnable healing.

Here is a scientific-paper SHOWING where 20% of the child-onset-"schizophrenic"'s brain is lost, where 15% is lost, where 10% is lost, & where 5% is lost.


That doesn't include all the other damage, at overall, or at micro, scales, that is just PROVING that brain-injury is the primary fact of "schizophrenia".

Know that the 10% brain-volume-loss has been known-about since the 1920's.

IF you lost 10% of your brain due to stroke, or aneurism, or a physical spike wound, or due to concussion, they wouldn't tell you that "it is all in your mind: it is your illness-of-mind, and it ISN'T POSSIBLE for any healing to be real, that too is your illness-of-mind", but, if a child loses 10% of their brain, through a 5-year-long "forest fire", as that paper calls it, of epigenetic-error, that child will be told exactly that.

Gaslighting can eat rocks.

( :

[-] Paragone@sh.itjust.works -1 points 11 months ago

Here is an article which was included in John Brockman's book:


on how too-much "evidence-based" medicine isn't replicable.

I trust what TESTS to be true, as that is the best religion of all: empiricism.

[-] Paragone@sh.itjust.works 3 points 11 months ago

"opt out" privacy-molestation/rape & identity-theft-facilitation NEEDS to be criminalized, it seems.

You don't claim that pickpocketing someone's wallet, ID, passport, and money, is "legal", just because they didn't complain about it, do you?

Yet that behaviour is exactly what seems to be normalizing, digitally...

Thank you for posting this, eh?

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen!

( :

[-] Paragone@sh.itjust.works 8 points 11 months ago

Please read John Truby's book "The Anatomy of Genres", and have your mind BLOWN by all the psychology in the different 14 Genres of story, dominating our cultures throughout the world, now...

It will make fiction in book AND movie form sooo much richer for you, and it will make other-people much-more-understandable, as well...

I'm autistic, am NOT likely to ever watch another movie in my life ( waaay too overwhelming ), but now I understand story so much better...

Truby's got a special place in his heart for both Godfather I & II.

With reason, his explanations show.

There are an amazing number of awesome stories identified in that book, as examples demonstrating this, or that, aspect of story...

Please read it from beginning to end, so the explanations ( which build on each-other ) weave into the whole, properly ( instead of just hitting 2 chapters & not getting why it doesn't make as much sense as I'm suggesting it does ).

The only significant error in the book worth noting, is the misunderstanding of Comedy:

Improbably-violated-expectations is the PROPER definition of it, and there is no requirement for any "drop", which seems an American subset of humour.

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, eh?

( :

[-] Paragone@sh.itjust.works 5 points 11 months ago

The ONLY way that peace could have been earned, in the West Bank, is...

  • an independent ( UN ) government, that wouldn't tolerate EITHER side's abuse, and systematically silenced bullying from the place
  • ALL necessary & sufficient infrastructure, healthcare, etc, in-place, AND NEUTRAL ( no Hamas, no Israel, NO politics in it: ONLY neutral facilitation-of-healthy-civil-process )
  • keep this silencing-of-any-bullying for 2-4 generations, until the enmity-addicted people were all out-from-power
  • THEN form a sane local-of-the-people government, gradually ceding from 1 to the other, celebrating the victory-against-prejudice ( on both sides ).

Neither side would tolerate/allow that.

TTBOMK, Israel has maintained about 100 dead Palestinians for every dead Israeli Jew, for many years, there is some sites on the 'web that have numbers for that, btw.

There is ZERO hope for any peace there, thanks to enmity being the addiction of sooo many, on both sides, who have authority, and therefore who use their authority to multiply enmity's reach throughout the cultures.

A "church of hatred & evil" that situation has become.

Heartbreaking waste of God-given LivingPotential & LivingOpportunity, from both populations..

: \

[-] Paragone@sh.itjust.works 2 points 11 months ago

Please consider using John Truby's book ( or even the cover of it ) "The Anatomy of Genres" for identifying the 14 Genres of story.

Myth, Epic, Western, etc...

"adventure" isn't a genre: it occurs in multiple genres, serving as the canvas on-which the genre's points are written...

That book, btw, is an awesome bunch of psychology.

Some minor errors, like mis-defining comedy...

( proper definition of humour: "improbable violation of expectation", or a strange-loop form )

...to be made of a "drop", a debasing, or put-down, or reduction of somebody...? Maybe in the US, but it isn't the true fundamental root of humour.

sooo much gold in that book, though: definitely worth investing in.

( for anybody wanting the core competencies in writing, I'd say that both John Truby's books, and Shaun Coyne's "The Story Grid" are books that are required, and they are the top/core competencies. Coyne recommends McKee, as well. )

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