Naw, these are extremely frustrating. They make navigating websites super difficult for anyone using a screen reader. Websites are supposed to have a certain level of accessibility by law that 97% of them don't follow.

They were not technically incarcerated (according to the law). They willingly (read: forcably) signed a contract to "work" despite most black folks at the time being unable to read due to laws not allowing anyone to teach them to read. This was before chain gangs existed.

Not so fun fact this was popularized by white sherrifs on freed slaves after the emancipation proclamation because the "free" black people couldn't pay a fine of walking parallel to railroads, selling goods, QUITING A JOB, or whatever other stupid bullshit was pulled. So they were leased out by the state like tools and were often worked harder than when they were slaves because there was no incentive to keep them healthy as the state was charging less than a tenth of what they were "worth" as slaves. Anyway the process of settling continued and is mostly a way to reduce sentencing and cost. I hate this country ๐Ÿ™ƒ

I left during the blackout. I use reddit occasionally for specific questions I can't find anywhere else. It's a shit hole, but an old and useful shit hole.

Why do you care? It's not your life, don't worry about it. Worry about yourself. There's a reason domestic violence increases when the UK loses a futbol match and it's not the "soft boys" you're complaining about.

[-] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)


It's more of a general meme instance that leans trans, but a good amount of anti-cap memes show up

I've seen a few bots that literally just link to reddit which defeats the whole purpose of moving here???

With that in mind, I wouldn't mind if you had a backlog of reddit content you previously downloaded, because again... the point in moving to this platform was to stop giving reddit money. Like, yeah sure if you don't post to reddit, you're not providing an incentive for others to stay on the site but if enough people go to reddit for content, we're just giving them money anyway via ads.

I'm sure the majority of users won't care regardless.

Yes and no? I'm definitely checking for content less but also... I have IBS and I spend a ludacris amount of time on the toilet. Sometimes, I just need some content.

If I had to guess it's a speaker of some kind.

I'm an educator for middle school and college students (different jobs), I coach speech/debate. They're both rough for different reasons but I still love my jobs.

Middle schoolers, I don't have to put too much work into my lesson plans which is nice. However they test boundaries and have a ton of energy but when they behave its my favorite job.

College students requires a lot more mental work but the topics we discuss are much more fulfilling. However, I've had much more issues with women in my classes getting creeped on... Racists causing issues with other students... Etc. It's more political in nature.


joined 1 year ago