Doch, denn er besteht darauf, dass es eine Verschwörung der Bourgeoisie gegen das Proletariat gibt.
Jedi: Fallen Order is a souls-like set in the Star Wars universe. Frequently goes on sale for under 10 bucks these days.
Ich glaube, es handelt sich um die Stuttgarter S-Bahn im Original, also nur Nahverkehr.
Mein T-Hemd bringt all die Nutten zum Park
Also ich feier jeden Mittwoch, egal ob’s Gesetz ist oder nicht.
Doch: Leiden.
Basically, Musk is alleging is that they claimed this was a common practice when it was, in fact, extremely rare.
In his tweet about this he said that out of 5.5 **billion ** ad impressions that day, less than 50 were objectionable according to Media Matter's criteria. In other words, there was a 1 in 100 million chance that a normal user would randomly see something like this.
For comparison, the following things have about a 1 in a million chance of happening (i.e. are 100 times more likely):
- flipping a coin 20 times, getting tails every single time
- winning the PowerBall lottery if you buy six tickets a week for a year
- a devastating earthquake occurring in Seattle within the next 5 hours
I just read the MM piece and it doesn't appear to make any specific claims about how frequently this might have happened, it merely says "We recently found ads for Apple, Bravo, Oracle, Xfinity, and IBM next to posts that tout Hitler and his Nazi Party on X." and that "X has been placing ads for Apple, Bravo, IBM, Oracle, and Xfinity next to pro-Nazi content." which does indeed appear to be factual since it makes no claims about frequency, so I guess we'll see if the court is convinced that it was defamatory. It certainly seems to be the truth, but not the whole truth.
If it turns out they really DID have to create 100 million page views in order to find a single questionable ad placement, and they failed to mention that, you could make the case that they were intentionally trying to hurt his business.
I've been a software engineer for many years so trust me when I say this has nothing to do with how hard or easy it is to install. I used to run Gentoo at some point so I'm not exactly CLI averse. The problem isn't the installation, it's maintenance. Shit just keeps on breaking for no reason and I'm tired of figuring out how to fix it.
Linux is simply an enormous timesink. It constantly needs handholding and babysitting in order to work. And it doesn't even reward you for it with a superior user experience, just a steady stream of problems to fix. Windows might not be perfect, but it at least it works. Meanwhile, Linux is like an insecure girlfriend, it constantly needs reassurance that you still love it.
No, they do not. Women do not have to stay in abusive relationships. They can go to court and get a restraining order, a divorce, or sue their employer if they are harassed at the workplace. No one is forcing them to stay in these types of situations. If they chose to do so anyways, they have no one but themselves to blame.
Right, so Israel already killed almost 3 times as many Palestinians in retaliation as the US killed in Iraq.
Okay, but does that invalidate my calculation?
Ja, das sagen alle Aluhüter von ihrer Lieblingstheorie.
Hitler war übrigens ein jüdischer Geheimagent, dessen Aufgabe war, die Erschaffung des israelischen Staates zu beschleunigen. Und der Kommunismus ist ein Versuch der Juden, die christliche Kirche zu ersetzen.