You mean that without sleep we would eat all the time?
Keep your enemies close...
Thats kind of brilliant.
Kind of a weird star wars boner material.
Edit: nevermind, I zoomed into sailermoons face. Fap cave closed immediately.
Edit2: The more I look the more I see nightmare potential incoming.
I see proprietaty bad.
I hit like..
I am simple as that.
I think thats in general his attitude.
This guy is so rich he lives in a world where a no is nonexistent.
Hey I found time to laugh in between my doomsday crying.
Thanks. :)
I have a Mi 9 t pro. Never experienced anything like that.
While I do have hardened my settings, debloat with adb etc. privacy whise and use the EU MIUI rom.
Do you rememher said websites?
i think the inner workings of an OS is pretty much awesome.
one has to look into to see the beauty.
that makes perfectly sense... thanks.
when and advert is telling you they are the first. they for sure were not.
Why using a worktree? I will simply commit my WIP modifications on the dev branch.
Switch branch to work on the bugfix. And when Im finished I move back to the development branch? Why is this worse than doing this worktree stuff?