I also want to say our usernames are very apt for this debate
Explain how the meme excludes rural areas, because it seems pretty general and not city-specific to me.
Are you trying to argue that rural populations are not included in the full set of populations who use cars? Of course you're not, because that would be silly.
"Right wing propaganda" - what a ridiculous claim to make
And how is it right wing propaganda if I've pointed out a reality? Public transport is not available or viable for all rural communities. Propaganda?
You didn't state that in your response though, right? Your response was general.
And what about all the power needed to manage those systems and networks? Should we just go back to hunting and gathering?
How do you propose to solve these issues? Find a new job for everyone that can be done at a computer? Bring down multinational corporations?
Or make the situation slightly better by removing those daily emissions?
'Member those trolly tracks that served all the rural communities in the world until they were ripped up? Hey I 'member!
You’re helping!
Both efforts are intertwined and can run in parallel
The irony of using an AI generated image for this post...
AI imagery makes any article look cheaper in my view, I am more inclined to "judge the book by its cover".
Why would you slap something so lazy on top of a piece of writing you (assuming it isn't also written by AI) put time and effort into?
They're better! We agree.