My tired brain looked at the thumbnail and thought that CRINK was some new onomatopoeia for wine glasses being tapped together
Why does the USA have jurisdiction over what TSMC (a Taiwanese company, AFAIK) does with their manufacturing tools, even if they come from the US?
Are you implying that humans aren't prone to worshipping idols, tribalism, and interpersonal violence?
Not a pro by any means, but I mount my internal drives at /mnt. Its also where I mount my NAS
AFAIK mount point doesn't matter
How right you are, comrade Smith
Bigger number better
This is why I miss the pre-cantrip days.
Wizard: Oh, I'm out of spell slots. Good thing I dipped a level in Fighter so I can still smash some heads together
Speak for yourself, I haven't spent any time coming anywhere near a cow
c/southafrica, is that you?
You'll be posting forever, but I'm glad to see some Madam & Eve for the first time in years
Reading the comments on that video is doing me a concern
I'm glad I'm not the only one confused by the concept of salt undergoing metamorphosis