These people love to shit on "angry incels on the internet" for their movie doing poorly completely ignoring all the loved successful female led movies that aren't hot garbage.
What were you playing?
Sorry! But you did ask to be spoiled
John snow dies.
Well damn I can't do that over the internet. Sorry!
Your parents are ashamed of you. (you did mean emotionally, right?)
Right? Benny nets has completely ruined any good faith left in the world for the jews after the holocaust. (by that I mean Israel, not Jewish people abroad)
gets on his tickling gloves it's giggling time mother fucker!
Aww darn, I was really hoping for a new mad max movie where he takes a back seat to some other character it was so enjoyable the last time.
Why choose? "both? Both. Both is good"
If you're not, please never use it right
joined 5 months ago
I would be 100% unsurprised if banon or stone set this up to give trump a boost. Dude unloads from a roof, hitting practically nobody, barely wings trump in the ear, and his secret service practically walked up there to get him down, even giving him time to give a victory fist pump? Bullshit.