[-] Sharkwellington@lemmy.one 13 points 7 months ago

Absolutely, just own up to it. Have the interviewers ask him why that's become his nickname, he can share some background, maybe some anecdotes if he has any. Suddenly, Tampon Tim is a badge of honor.

[-] Sharkwellington@lemmy.one 13 points 7 months ago

Can someone PLEASE make a Tampon Tim shirt already??? I'm ready for the "FUCK Joe Biden" and "Say no to the ho" crowd to tell me my shirt is inappropriate around children.

[-] Sharkwellington@lemmy.one 13 points 9 months ago

Spiritfarer, To the Moon, Gris (no words in this one but still a good story imo), anything SuperGiant has ever made with my favorite being Transistor.

[-] Sharkwellington@lemmy.one 13 points 1 year ago

I just imagined a world where for 10 years I told my child I loved them and then for them to within less than a year, stop responding and then actively shame you for doing so.

Whenever I hear a single-sentence story about how a parent did nothing but love their child and the child decided to drop contact out of nowhere, I always wonder what context has been withheld.

The Missing Missing Reasons

[-] Sharkwellington@lemmy.one 12 points 1 year ago

I saw a flag similar to this but the American flag was being pulled away to reveal a Confederate flag. Which... I actually had to think about for a bit lol. Felt more like a statement about people who fly American flags everywhere.

[-] Sharkwellington@lemmy.one 12 points 1 year ago

Get this into app form and I could see it being popular with the Wordle crowd.

[-] Sharkwellington@lemmy.one 13 points 1 year ago

Where funny

[-] Sharkwellington@lemmy.one 13 points 2 years ago

Says something about "America's Joyous Future" that this works just as well 30 years later.

[-] Sharkwellington@lemmy.one 13 points 2 years ago

I should share this with my mother who "feels like there are a lot more autistic people these days."

[-] Sharkwellington@lemmy.one 13 points 2 years ago

How can having more tools to solve problems make things worse?

Depends on who's using it and for what purpose.

[-] Sharkwellington@lemmy.one 12 points 2 years ago

Sadly have seen it myself. When talking to an ex-friend, they unloaded about trans people being sick delusional groomers. When I said that they would change their mind if they knew any transgender people, they responded that they did have a trans friend. I responded "then you should let them know what you really think of them and see if they're still your friend tomorrow." Hung up, blocked their number. I hope that trans friend is doing alright. Fuck transphobia.

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