If you're on Android, BuzzKill can set your notifications to "cool down", so if you get multiple within a short time, you will only get buzzed again once a set amount of time has passed.
90s Nickelodeon was teaching kids early lessons about workers' rights, remember the Rocket Power episode where they ran a repair garage, or the Doug episode where they ran a lawnmowing business?
Holy crap I've never seen such an unnecessarily escalated situation in my life. Just look at all the chaos going on by the end of that video, and for what, because the band needed 2 extra minutes to finish their set?
Straight up gaslighting. Inflation is low? We just got battered by rising inflation for two straight years. That doesn't go away because a month turned over. Everyone's dollar devalued hard and prices aren't coming back down again now that they're standard. You could only believe this if your job depends on believing it.
That just because someone is stealing doesn’t mean they’re in desperate need.
I still have no idea what your point is.
Same people who’d steal from a shop will probably turn around and steal from a charity or community organisation.
[citation needed]
I mean, two way street wouldn't you say? Even with that perspective I wouldn't go back to a place that shames you for tips. I've never in my life heard of giving a tip for curbside pickup, every major restaurant chain is doing it free these days. By all means I'll tip a driven delivery or waited table, but curbside pickup?
Ah yes only the most important issues of our time being tackled by Republican politicians these days.
I mean, yes...unfortunately those contracts have always been very exploitative for all but the top music acts.
So like Disneyland for Islam?
Bernie, Joe, and the other guy are all within 4 years of age with each other. Bernie is the only one in that group who's decided NOT to run, so I'm not sure why you're singling him out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Generally the opinion I've seen from his supporters is that he can do better from his current position and that his chance at the presidency has passed.
I'm sure the overlap between people who bought Google Glass thinking it would be the future, and people buying this thinking it will be the future, is just a circle.
Apple has a better track record of sticking things out though so who knows, maybe this one will stick.
This is all news to me, could someone please elaborate/share some resources?
I don't know anything about Starlink but I guess I should if it knows anything about me.