[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 16 points 5 months ago

Nearly all of the search options sort your front page by activity, so removing old communities won't make active ones stand out any more. If you're searching for new communities and fail to notice the last message was 3 years before you posted your 900-page essay, that's on you. Even if you make the background of stagnant communities bright red, there's still going to be someone who complains that they somehow "didn't get any warning".

Retaining old content has value, you wouldn't believe how many answers I've found on 10+ year old reddit posts that have long since been archived. Information is valuable, it should never be removed unless someone is being harmed by it.

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 17 points 5 months ago

So much this... Despite trying to drive defensively I have been involved in two major car accidents. The first one I walked away from, but the second one put me on Flight for Life. Despite the accident itself being pretty bad, the only physical issue was a broken leg that took a couple years to heal properly. However the REAL issue took longer to realize -- something from that accident has caused me to have continued sleep issues since then. I'll be on medications the rest of my life probably, and even then I still have trouble getting restful sleep if I've been physically active.

Yeah it's easy to feel invincible when you're young, and your body can heal from a lot, but just remember that those things can also fuck up your shit in ways you might not realize until years later. Things you take for granted now (like sleep) can really screw up your enjoyment of life when they don't work right.

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 16 points 6 months ago

Don't forget to mention that 50% of the people from the same poll also think Trump should drop out.

I would be interested in seeing a more detailed break-down of this poll. From the numbers given, 33% are non-Democrats. This could mean that up to half of that "67% of Americans" saying Biden should drop out are actually people whose opinion in this poll doesn't really matter. What I really want to see is how many Democrats think Biden should drop out, versus how many Republicans think Trump should drop out. (It would also be interesting to see the breakdown for both candidates from independents.)

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 16 points 7 months ago

Awww poor little Homelander, nobody loves you.

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 17 points 11 months ago

16.6%, but let's just be reasonable about this and round it to a nice even 15%.

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 17 points 1 year ago

Someone should write a bill to mandate a 'cure' for stupid, starting with political leaders. At least that cure has a chance for success. When are these idiots going to realize there's no 'cure' for being the person that you are?

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 16 points 1 year ago

You might want to use a code block instead of bullet points for your table, the way you presented it is unreadable but I found the info on your blog page.

One of my criteria for video formats is the portability. Like sometimes I might watch something through a web browser which natively supports x264. Yeah x265 provides better compression, and AV1 certainly looks interesting, but they both require the addition of codecs on most of my viewing devices and in some cases that's not possible.

For most cases I've found that CRF25 with x264 works reasonably well. I tend to download 720p videos to watch on our 1080p TV and don't notice the difference except in very minor situations like rapid motion on a solid-color background (usually only seen on movie studio logo screens). Any sort of animated shows can go even lower without noticeable degradation.

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 17 points 1 year ago

The first full-time job I had was stuffing circuit boards. We got a new person in one day, she was clearly struggling but it seemed like she was trying... She never came back after lunch. I mean, say something or ask questions, any of us would have helped her out.

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 17 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Oh thank god, an actual question. I was going crazy trying to figure out what that thumbnail-sized picture was supposed to be! 😃

Honestly anybody can throw together a marketplace or auction site. That part is pretty easy. The problem comes when you start trying to deal with the money. Money attracts the hackers, and your security better be absolutely air-tight. There will always be transactional fees for handling the money which needs to be passed on so that alone means you can't run the site for free.

After that comes the problem of scale. The bigger your site gets, the more people you need to hire to manage all the complaints. Who decides if it was the customer or the seller that got screwed in a deal? That comes down to a judgement call, meaning you need some good training for your employees. And of course all this also requires fees to be passed along to someone.

Unfortunately if you want a successful marketplace you can't just rely on the honesty of the buyers and sellers. It takes a constant effort, good customer service, and a way to provide that cheaper than ebay so you can attract more people to the site. Several have tried and failed to do this already, and they had a lot more money than we do.

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 16 points 1 year ago

My wife and I both have lives now because of it. In my case, I have body aches from a bad car wreck, and after ten years of only getting maybe 3 hours of good sleep each night, followed by prescribed meds that left me dopey all day long, marijuana was legalized here. My wife makes CBD cookies for me and after a bit of experimenting to get the right amount, I now generally wake up feeling refreshed and have even been needing less sleep for the last several years.

On the other hand, my wife lives with chronic pain from childhood accidents including one where she was partially paralyzed for a few years (spine injuries suck!). She is now on permanent disability because she wasn't able to sit at a desk for 8 hours a day. Since mj was legalized, she got off the opioids, smokes throughout the day to manage the pain as needed, but is able to get things done around the house when she's having good days (which is most of the time).

If you want to go down this road, you will definitely get a better experience than you have with doctor-prescribed medications, however because there's still not a lot of data on the subject you will want to find what works for YOU. If you do any cooking, learn how to make oil and butter from mj, and use that to bake your own cookies, cakes, or whatever. This way you have control over what strains go in to what you are eating, and you can control how much of it is used. You can get instruments to be more scientific with it, but really once you have some experience with CBD/mj it won't really matter. It also tends to be quite a lot cheaper than buying pre-made edibles from the store.

Now, for what to expect... For my use, the right amount is something that I barely feel, if at all. What I do notice is once it starts to kick in (which is right before bed anyway), I start to drift off and have to make an effort to get up and go to bed. If I eat too much then yeah, things can start to get a bit crazy, and I don't get as good of sleep that night. For my wife managing her pain, she describes it by saying the pain doesn't really go away, she just stops caring about it so it doesn't control her life. Again, the right amount isn't so much that she acts like a stoner all the time (and she consumes a LOT more than I do), but rather it's enough that she can start to function again despite the pain. So it's not unusual for you to not feel anything, but it's also possible you're simply not getting enough.

Hope that helps?

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 17 points 2 years ago

Seems to me like the whole political campaign aimed at making people believe elections can't be trusted should fall under "criminal conspiracies".

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 16 points 2 years ago

Yeah there was an agreement in Paris in 2015, and the one of the first things Trump did when elected to office was to back out of that deal. Never trust an (unsuccessful) business man to choose what is best for people, they only care about making more money for themselves and to hell with all the people that die or get hurt along the way.

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