That's rich coming from the guy whose entire platform is one big political bias against free speech. Seems like Musk's whole outlook is "I'm going to move people to a colder planet where nothing grows and we can't even breathe, so why should I worry about trashing this one?"
Also, when is his daddy going to teach him how to shave?
Unfortunately Trump's stated plan is to boot out everyone who won't kiss his ass, shut down "non-essential" services like the education department or national weather service, put someone in control of healthcare who believes all vaccinations need to be immediately banned, and pass national laws against women's reproductive health care despite his claims of letting each State handle their own business. And yes, on his own he could only do so much, but the Republican party also gained more seats in both houses of representatives which means it will be easier to steamroll through anything he wants. So yeah, we have many many good reasons to be worried.