[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 26 points 1 month ago

This is Texas we're talking about here... of course they're not going to work it out.

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 26 points 1 month ago

Trump keeps using the term "deep state" to refer to anyone that stands in his way, however it should be noted that the term typically refers to a shadow government whose purpose is to enrich or increase the power of its members. So it's rather ironic to be used derogatively by someone whose primary goal is using the government to enrich and increase the power of himself and anyone who sucks up to him.

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 25 points 2 months ago

At least the Delorian had character. You can't say that about this abomination.

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 26 points 2 months ago

Discrediting someone usually has a goal of pushing customers to another source though. There is no other source of this information, so what would be the point?

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 25 points 4 months ago

Yelp, another major tech company

That's a curious way to spin "a bunch of con artists who built a business by hacking people's computers and sending out emails in those people's names".

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 24 points 4 months ago

No, she doesn't. You're just amplifying BS claims made by the Right because they don't have anything substantial to try and smear her with.

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 24 points 7 months ago

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a chance of getting in another conviction from a completely separate trial before November? I think that would be the nail in the coffin for all those who are still on the fence and would likely be a significant swing in how the current polls are going. Then again I'm still wondering how anyone who isn't at least a multimillionaire would even consider voting for a guy who keeps saying that poor people are too stupid to be anything except poor.

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 28 points 10 months ago

Voters were also far more likely to view Trump ... as someone who would “stand up and fight for people like you"

I'm just astounded by poll results like this. I mean, Trump already had four years and what exactly did he do for you? Oh that's right, absolutely nothing because he was too busy making changes that benefited his personal businesses or stripping federal regulations for personal rights and things like our national parks. I just don't understand why these people believe Trump is going to help them now when he only made everything worse in his first term?

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 25 points 11 months ago

Maybe this will convince more people to switch to linux.

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 26 points 1 year ago

Can we start calling them "Russia Light" now? Or is Israel trying to become the new Russia in terms of atrocities?

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 26 points 1 year ago

A Chinese government group, you say? They shall henceforth be known as Stone Pooh.

[-] Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz 27 points 1 year ago

Various countries have coins with holes through them. It may seem mundane to the residents living there, but to those of us with solid coins those look pretty interesting. I've also seen some multi-sided coins rather than the typical round ones.

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