TIL... I can get a literal ton of sugar for the cost of a month's groceries.
Wouldn't it be nice if there was a chance of getting in another conviction from a completely separate trial before November? I think that would be the nail in the coffin for all those who are still on the fence and would likely be a significant swing in how the current polls are going. Then again I'm still wondering how anyone who isn't at least a multimillionaire would even consider voting for a guy who keeps saying that poor people are too stupid to be anything except poor.
Typical Republicans -- create an issue themselves and then try to blame everyone else for it. They literally do not know the meaning of "working together to solve a problem." At least I've been hearing some of their constituents are finally waking up to the fact that their politicians have done absolutely nothing this session to try to solve problems.
Thought it would be a kick to check out the ends of the ice age around 12345 B.C.E. but it truly was a darker time. I couldn't find a signal to send pics to my friends, nor could I get a GPS lock to find the nearest Starbucks so I could warm up. Awesome snow on the slopes but I would still only rate this period 5/10. Please work harder on your hospitality.
This is the best summary I could come up with: People are stupid assholes who threaten children to feel better about their own miserable lives.
I am not a bot
A some point Trump is going to have to stand before a court facing insurrection charges, and I'm gonna laugh so hard if his lawyers throw him under the bus and state their client is not of sound mind to stand trial. Can you imagine the blow to his ego and the meltdown that would follow?
If you do any sort of programming, this would be a good place to showcase screen shots of some things you have built (maybe with redacted company names/identifiers).
Could you maybe clean up your post by not using such a massive font size and just listing the addon names?
Form anyone interested, this wikipedia page has a list of all the States which have had bills to consider the matter, or have successfully outlawed this sickening excuse of a defense.
You should start by asking them what they did with the $400 billion (as of 9 years ago) in taxes that we have paid them to build out fiber internet. And yes, you're probably STILL paying this tax.
I keep seeing the quote "the API wasn’t designed to support these clients" and it always makes me wonder... What exactly does he think an API is FOR? As far as I've ever seen, APIs are specifically for outside connectivity. If you're working with internal code then you simply make your own hooks as needed. Even an app could use hooks not available to the public. And if the API is NOT designed for this type of usage, then why would anyone want to PAY to use it? He keeps saying he wants to make reddit profitable, and yet he's telling the world that the API isn't fit for usage? None of it makes any sense.
Funny how the pro-gun party suddenly doesn't like it when the victim is a CEO rather than school kids.