Name one candidate that doesn't support Israel?
What do you find "old-fashioned" about Thunderbird? Do you not consider an interface "new" if they don't change it and hide all the common features every five minutes like Microsoft does? It's an email client, you read your emails in it. How would you do it better?
Oh I came clean. We were actually trying to figure out HOW it happened so we could try and prevent the same issue in the future.
One of the articles I read yesterday stated that in the state of New York, this type of conviction has about a 1 in 10 chance of including a prison sentence (up to four years). The judge determines the sentence, and may also weigh in with whether a monetary sentence would be meaningful to the defendant, but also things like remorse (which Trump has shown none) and the number of convictions (which are a lot).
Even if we get lucky enough to see Trump sent to jail, he can still get out on bond while appealing the case, so it could be a year or more before Trump would ever have to spend a night behind bars.
SIX nipples? Damn it's gonna be expensive when I head back to the piercing shop.
16.6%, but let's just be reasonable about this and round it to a nice even 15%.
"I see disinfectant, where it knocks it [coronavirus] out in a minute—one minute—and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it [coronavirus] gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that."
There is nothing in his quote about taking taking the blood out first, he's talking about doing the cleaning inside the body. But lets assume for a brief moment that what you say is accurate, and someone is going to take out your blood and clean it with bleach.... THEN what? Now your blood is too toxic to put back in the body. Do you just kick back for a minimum of 24 hours while waiting for the chlorine to evaporate? It doesn't work if you only take out some of the blood, because it is constantly being mixed in your body, so you have to somehow completely drain a person without them dying. Now repeat that for 8 billion people, because this process would still do nothing to protect you from getting exposed again as soon as you walk in to a store.
You might also consider how covid would have gotten into the blood in the first place -- it entered the body through the lungs, and continues to grow there (which is why some many people had lung damage). So I guess while you're killing the patient by removing all their blood, you might as well take out the lungs and bleach them too? Who here can't hold their breath for 24+ hours? There's just no way any of this could ever be used as a serious treatment. Yeah covid deaths would drop overnight, but only because the "treatment" would have a 100% fatality rate.
I don't think that word means what you think it means... Just a heads up, Russia, it's not called "retaliation" when you're the assholes who struck first. You're just being a whiny little bitch because Ukraine didn't roll over and take your bullying.
0 - Do you have a valid medical reason, other than "I'm a whiny little bitch who thinks my Facebook browsing makes me smarter than actual doctors," that prevents you from getting vaccinated?
I can only hope for an interview to go something like this:
"This position requires a college degree, but all I see on your resume is this worthless garbage from Florida. Did you ever get a real education? Let's find out, explain evolution to me..."
If we continued to do the same job, and the cost of living remained the same, most people wouldn't think much of it. The problem still comes back to the business owners -- they expect you to do more for the same pay, including firing someone and expecting you to also do that second job on top of your regular work for the same paycheck. Then when people demand a raise the business owner justifies raising their costs under the umbrella of "people just don't want to work any more" when the reality is that what changed is the huge increase in how much that business owner is taking home themselves while delegating their own job to underlings.
I'm curious, what part of that do you think will be good for anyone who isn't a rich which male?