I call my desktop loseldoom but my servers are fugit and opti :P
I read the full blog post from the linked blog of a sysadmin there, and it was worth the read, what a ride.
It's a piped frontend, so only piped accounts. (Piped is a frontend for YouTube)
I wonder then, if for low capacity NAS home systems using these consumer drives is a good idea. Drives certified with "NAS reliabilty", ssd or hdd, are still as expensive as they have always been, is it a ripoff?
Thank you so much for your example, I'm new to NixOS coming from arch and these are all very helpful.
That's a good idea, thank you!
Terraria is just too good to be left like that
For anyone looking for an rss feed, I found this on the steam community forum after finding out about isthereanydeal.com:
RSS may apply filters and options, so getting the RSS for this is the best we can do right now: https://isthereanydeal.com/#/filter:&price/0/0;/options:strict,all
It all depends on what can our tracker parse - and that depends on how will Steam show these free games on the store.
Here's a RSS for EU2 region: https://isthereanydeal.com/rss/deals/eu2/?filter=price%2F0%2F0&options=strict,all
It seems to work well!
Thank you so much!
Oh god, no please. The fediverse is not encrypted by nature..
That would be the plan, the NAS with ECC would run zfs with weekly scrubs (4 to 6 drives)
Edit: now running ECC on devices with critical data or databases
packet loss lol