I don't think it's currently supported to play software that isn't on any core.
Portal 2 vibes
The problem with this solution is to find an Android player capable to read/rate the tag
I'm already a Syncthing fan but I haven't found an Android app capable to rate tracks editing the tag.
Thanks for your tips. The smartphone is a good "always on device" for my Syncthing serverless setup. Edit: wait, resilio looks like syncthing but worse.
I'm using flacs and MusicBrainz to manage my collection. So should I edit my tags with Picard?
There's an option in Nicotine to hide them from results, right?
I'm on a fresh install. I experienced this with Firefox, LibreWolf and Waterfox.
I'm not sure, Wikipedia says partially
Starting with Ubuntu I've tried a lot of distro, here the ones I used the more: Mageia -> Chakra -> Manjaro -> Void -> Arch
Very useful tips, thank you!
If you want to learn more in depth about how Proton works I suggest you to ask here on [GloriousEggroll's Discord](https://discord.gg/6y3BdzC.
For emulation, X360 and PS3 needs intense resources and their emulators may be in an early development state; look back to the previous generations, maybe with a cool megabezel shader on RA.