Because people stopped buying them. They decided they'd rather be safer at the expense of everyone else on the road. 'Merka! Fuck yeah!
So all the choices are fascism and the only way to win is not to play? Yeah, no thanks, I'll keep voting, thank you very much, and I will keep voting AGAINST the fascists, even when the alternative is mediocrity.
I don't mind not being better off when the alternative is fascism. I'd prefer to be better off, but I'll take status quo.
I haven't checked out a ton of reviews, just two or three from trusted reviewers. The very first one I watched said they didn't like the combat but still really enjoyed the game overall. I'm hoping I can push through to the point where I'm enjoying the rest of the game...
Yeah those aren't the kinds of questions I'm talking about. I'm talking about ones with objective answers that can be easily searched.
Yeah I get it. It turns out subscription services are everywhere and have been for quite some time so there's no need to really inform people about the pros and cons at this point.
Sure I don't own the games. But then again, I don't tend to replay old games ever. There are SO MANY new games coming out all the time, I've never understood the urge to go back and replay an old game. Chances are there's a new game out there that's the same idea but better.
My only point here is that GamePass Ultimate is basically paying more to have access on Windows AND Xbox and I don't use the Windows version anymore. It will save me money when it's time to renew. Hooray linux!