It`s good to always be sceptic, however I have been using and following Signal for years and so far they have not given me a reason to misstrust them. You should read their answers when some judge with 0 digital competence tries to subpoena some chat protocol.
Public transportation
No at least you can side loade and install other app stores out of the box with android. It`s far from perfect but still way better.
Can we stop panicing every 5 seconds? Give adblockers 1-10 days and they will fix it. We have been through this a bunch of times.
Fucking does not exist anymore They rebranded to Fugging
My name is Hayao Miyazaki but everyone call me Miyazaki 🎼🎵🎶🎵🎶🎶🎵🎶
I came here because of the reddit strike. I am one of those idiots that used the official app anyway but i did not like the way they handled the change. I changed to lemmy and after a couple of days I deleted my reddit account. I actually don`t remember when I had this much fun exploring a part of the internet. I just love the community. Sure there could be more content and especially discussion in the comments but I take the slower content generation over the toxic cesspool most large online communities have become any day of the week.
Der Rechtsruck der familien spaltet. Ein teil wandert immer weiter nach rechts bis es nicht mehr tragbar durch die familie ist. Symbolisiert durch die schere. Das original hatte die selbe aussage aber es ging um Alkohol deswegen isr die schere aus flaschen
Ich bin so wütend, dass das existiert. Kriegst ein pfeilchen hoch
please don`t give the piss nukes :(
Wait I don`t get it is there a difference ?
I salute yout commitment. Next year same time.