[-] Subtlysubtle@sffa.community 18 points 1 year ago

You know, whatever it takes to get people to act. Sometimes it'd something dumb that motivates prople.

[-] Subtlysubtle@sffa.community 5 points 1 year ago

Wild. All these people had their lives ruined because of those officers. Had to live the rest of their lives in fear and burdened by a false conviction. I can't imagine going through that.

[-] Subtlysubtle@sffa.community 37 points 1 year ago

I feel like everyone has had a bad experience with one of the major delivery services and just decides to shit on them. I've had packages busted by FedEx, usps, ups, that guy that drops off packages from his unmarked van. Like I get 97% of stuff okay, but 3% comes broken from them all.

[-] Subtlysubtle@sffa.community 7 points 1 year ago

My guess is he's using that statement to sidestep criticism of layoffs. I mean, is it wrong to take the long view? No. Does that mean they had to lay off people and put them in a precarious situation? Maybe, maybe not. But the explanation that sounds palatable.

[-] Subtlysubtle@sffa.community 37 points 1 year ago

It's because you're lying. You don't really love them. Your nose is growing.

[-] Subtlysubtle@sffa.community 12 points 1 year ago

That's insane. It sounds like ebay must have a toxic culture to let that happen.

[-] Subtlysubtle@sffa.community 7 points 1 year ago

I'm trying to imagine what someone would use it for/want it for. It seems juat like more plastic crap for the landfill.

[-] Subtlysubtle@sffa.community 6 points 1 year ago

A girlfriends life revolves around home, they have homework, home room and they run away from home to live with their 38 year old boyfriend.

[-] Subtlysubtle@sffa.community 5 points 1 year ago

This kind of stuff is why I come here. Great post.

[-] Subtlysubtle@sffa.community 14 points 1 year ago

hbomberguy did a good video on thunderf00t

[-] Subtlysubtle@sffa.community 27 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I would also add that the capitalist class loves to promote the idea if America as the greatest nation on earth because that storyline benefits them. They've already won the game and are benefiting from our current system. They don't want it to change.

If we admit we have shortcomings--large gap in wealth equality, lack of accessible and affordible health services, piss poor public transportation, unaffordable child care paired with living costs so large 2 incomes are required, poor school funding, pervasive gun violence, and Policing that emphasizes violence, just to name a few-- then we are also acknowedging that we have to change things. Why would those who greatly benefit from our current system want change?


Found this mildly interesting in a world of slick Conde Nast publications.


What defines dark fantasy?

Is it just elves that wear black or is there more to it? Maybe a mood or setting? Maybe it's an antihero thing? Im curious as to what it means and what some of the defining/seminal works of dark fantasy might be.

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