[-] Sway_Chameleon@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago

The word "Objectify" is about 2-3 syllables too long for whoever created that ad to understand.

[-] Sway_Chameleon@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

I think there are two types of people you could consider in this scenario.

The first being an individual who has a genuine interest in a hobby, they research what gear would be the best for what they want to do, and then puts in the work to gain expertise.

The second type is where I think the derision is focused. These are the people who walk into a store, and either ask for the top of the line gear or just buy whatever is the most expensive, without putting any thought into it, and don't really care about the hobby. In other words, the hobby is performative, and the gear becomes a status symbol.

I don't have any ill will towards someone buying the best gear for their needs, regardless of skill level, but if you're just doing it for show, I think that's fair game for mockery.

[-] Sway_Chameleon@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

The opulent newb.

[-] Sway_Chameleon@lemmy.world 24 points 4 days ago

For once, an article reporting an "overweight Ford" causing a mess isn't referring to a politician in Ontario.

[-] Sway_Chameleon@lemmy.world 30 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I worked for a prof who prides himself on being an absolutely disgusting human being. Everyone has stories about talking with him in his office and then lifting his ass on one side to let rip. To make things worse, he had a fridge in his lab that he filled with booze and the stinkiest cheeses he could find, so his breath and farts were so bad they could make paint peel.

There's crazy stories about him traveling to an international conference and puking on the guy sitting beside him and shitting his pants on the same flight.

Then on a university sponsored trip (with other biology profs/researchers) to recruit new students and research collaboration, he drank some brown bubbling "wine" that he vought from a street vendor, that everyone else refused to drink, he shat his hotel bed 3 nights in a row and every time the hotel tried to charge him for it he claimed it was just chocolate that he had been eating in bed. They then proceeded to a remote research station up on a mtn and when they arrived he rushed to the bathroom and broke the toilet immediately. They had to spend close to a week there, with no functioning toilet.

Hope your boss never reaches those levels of depravity, lol.

Edit: spelling.

[-] Sway_Chameleon@lemmy.world 56 points 2 weeks ago

There was a homophobic family from here in Sasktachewan (the Feenstra's), who sold their family farm and dragged their 8 kids to Russia to escape the "far leftist" and "lgbtq ideology" here in Canada. Guess it didn't work out too well for them since they had their bank accounts frozen (possibly assets seized) and then proceeded to speak ill of Russia (including they don't speak English there) only to have to publicly apologize and eat their words.

[-] Sway_Chameleon@lemmy.world 27 points 3 weeks ago

If you see a truck in Canada with our flag on it, high probability it's also got an 'F Trudeau' sticker and an asshole driver.

[-] Sway_Chameleon@lemmy.world 29 points 8 months ago

My wife's childhood cat was really old when she finally came to live with us in one of our rental places we lived while I was still doing grad studies. We used to close the door bc it was the one room with semi functioning AC, and during the summer we could kind of keep the room a decent temp if we kept the door closed. Anyway, the poor kitty would scratch the door and meow to be let in, and would not stop until we did (she would of course wait until we had fallen asleep first). Anyway, eventually we figured fans and an open widow were easier than being kept awake all night, so the door stayed open. That's when she started the fun new habit of 2am hairballs while sleeping between our heads...

[-] Sway_Chameleon@lemmy.world 43 points 8 months ago

There was an interesting CBC podcast called Fridge Light, and in one episode the host followed people who had their recipes accepted for commercial sale. Apparently, a big issue is making those recipes generic enough so that they are acceptable to the widest range of consumers. This often means toning down the flavors. So for example, a spicy recipe gets dialed back to the point that even people who find yogurt offensively spicy can eat it. Basically, they bland everything down. There's other factors as well, like the taste from the can, etc.

Hamsterassic Park (lemmy.world)

Jurassic Park, but the dinosaurs are hamsters.

Bing AI Image Generator.


Just a silly random image of owls nesting in a cactus. Made using Bing AI image generator.


Cap'n Crunch sellin in a dark alley way. Those poor kids are lookin a little rough.

Generated using Bing AI.


Just a caterpillar whose spoon is too big for them.

Made using Bing AI.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Sway_Chameleon@lemmy.world to c/comicstrips@lemmy.world

A bit of a flawed comic strip due to some taxonomic inaccuracies, but the punchline makes it a favorite for herpetologists.

An XKCD comic: https://xkcd.com/867/

Edit: spelling


Looks like Stark's been a bad influence on him.

(Just messing around with AI image generator trying ways to get around content filters.)


Not quite the rancor I was looking for, but he seems to be reformed and look at what he can do!

[-] Sway_Chameleon@lemmy.world 69 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

For documenting the accurate number of hours I worked, in a teaching lab. The department head didn't believe that the lab I taught (as a grad student) needed the hours it was given. Keep in mind, I had to do everything for the lab: create the lab manual, design lab activities, get ethics approval, create lab lectures, setup and clean up the lab, and do all the marking.

Turns out, the department used that document to pay me. This was never explained to me, usually we just get paid the set amount of hours, and I was of the understanding that this was just an audit of my hours to justify what I was getting. Turns out I worked about an extra 30% of the hours set for that lab for the semester. As a result, the department couldn't fully pay me until the following year because they didn't have it in their budget to pay for that extra 30%.

I ended up getting an ear full from the department head, but he backed off when I told him I was simply doing what he asked and that I wasn't inflating the numbers to get higher pay, since I had no idea they intended to pay me based on that audit.

Perhaps it's coincidence, or perhaps it was petty revenge, but later that year at gathering of the faculty and grad students he announced that I had won a major scholarship (one that would've paid pretty well for a grad student), and had me stand up in the crowd along with the other winners. Then, immediately after the assembly, he runs up to our lab office to tell me he read the sheet wrong and I hadnt actually won the scholarship, he just read the wrong name. I spent the next few days shamefully having to explain to everyone that, no I didn't get the award.

*edit: spelling mistakes.

[-] Sway_Chameleon@lemmy.world 34 points 9 months ago

Whimsically terrifying.

[-] Sway_Chameleon@lemmy.world 64 points 9 months ago

Yeah, he cut holes in their throats so food would fall out and added additional holes along the digestive tract to collect various "gastric juices". He also, apparently, started a business harvesting and selling said juices as a cure for indigestion..... not sure how that worked, seems like it would cause more than it cured.


My friend and I attempted to try to create the most ludacris images with Bing AI image generator. Which led to "Cannibal frogs on vacation". Apparently the ai can't spell, even if you literally give it the words.

There are other images in the series, but this is the least disturbing.


Asked the Bing AI image generator to create "Party Salamander Tshirt". Aside from the spelling mistake, it did not disappoint.


It just isn't the holiday season until Mic Mac Mall pulls out its Woody.

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joined 9 months ago