[-] TanteRegenbogen@feddit.org -1 points 2 weeks ago

You folks live in a parallel world and have no clue about German politics or how stuff in Germany work.

Anti-Germans are ultra rare nowadays and most Germans from the left parties support the existence and sovereignity of both a Palestinian state and Israel. Most Greens are anti-Netanyahu, just not anti-Israel as a state.

[-] TanteRegenbogen@feddit.org 0 points 1 month ago

Shiftphone ist glaub ich auch für Nachhaltigkeit konzipiert.

[-] TanteRegenbogen@feddit.org 1 points 2 months ago

Bin bestimmt irgendwann in den nächsten sechs Monate wieder bei dir in der Gegend. Aktuell geht es noch. Aber langsam kommen die Altersprobleme. Hatte überlegt Shiftphone zu holen oder irgendwas wo custom OS haben kann.

[-] TanteRegenbogen@feddit.org -1 points 2 months ago

On my phone it is the least resource intensive browser. Also I am not as security fanatical as many people on the fediverse are. I got scripts for blocking trackers though.


Don't worry, I am leaving FB. Only had it because family who wont fucking leave the site and have no other socials.

[-] TanteRegenbogen@feddit.org 2 points 2 months ago

City council has a full hand of cards.

Yah mahn. (feddit.org)

I know it's kind of low effort but I got another in stock



joined 8 months ago