Being 25% government owned?
Vaping is still available in Australia as an aid to quit smoking. It just requires a prescription.
You can tell you should be worried because they use scary words and CAPITAL LETTERS. I also love how they put "it opens the door to activists" like it's a bad thing. Personally I wouldn't mind if Australia Day were replaced with a Treaty Day if that came to pass. It's just an excuse to get absolutely pissed around a barbie anyway.
Good question. Maybe the same reason why Elon "humour is now legal again" Musk can't take a little teasing?
Not sure about ESO and SWTOR. I know WoW has the token market that technically counts as turning money into power by selling tokens and buying clears.
Since the amount of damage caused by bikes to infrastructure would be small, the govt could just slap a tax for the cost to the purchase price of every bike. Not saying I'd agree with it but there are ways to make all road users pay their share.
The game started as the musings of an old gm/qc/dev from Asheron's Call. The early days of the game were more like a sandbox for the dev and the players. He was throwing different systems at the wall to see what stuck with the players. I remember it being full of place holder assets and jank.
But unlike g-sync and freesync, FSR2 isn't good enough to match DLSS3 yet.
Big tobacco are the same people selling those vapes. The bill is going to nip that revenue stream in the bud before it can mature.