I would recommend Pano Scrobbler for Android. Helpa to Scrobble music toh Last.fm and other services.
I think upstream might be the right word in this context.
Adobe and MS Office for me are far bigger reasons for me.
But it makes sense from Google's Perspective to have everything under the same umbrella.
Thanks for this. Really opened my eyes.
What are some more central/impartial news source for international coverage?
Will have to dig about this. One of my primary reasons I want to upgrade is my laptop has a shitty 720p (1344x768) resolution.
I am looking for an absolute gorgeous display for my next laptop since I have the money to spare.
Just give enough to get them by. They don't casually share the entire stuff with their partners.
I'm pretty sure it's safe.
Yes. More bloat to the app with unrequired features. It just doesn't feel like a chat app to me anymore.
How is overall app experience. I'm thinking of buying some smart band to get me moving but i have serious privacy concerns with them.
Thanks for the info and the details.
I had watched a video some years ago of LTT about DRAM-less SSD and had been actively avoiding them since then. Will surely keep these details in mind.
Afaik, You can use export your Google Contacts into Excel/CSV files when using contacts for web.
Edit the csv file and import it back again. You may need to delete existing before importing.