If you try oc out, please, report back. I'm interested in reading your opinion.
Thank you for looking that up :) I already read every post on the subject my search engine returned.
But you know what ? I tried again, calmly and taking my time and now it works. So thank you for putting me back on the right track :D
Looks promising. I'll be following. Thanks
Thank you. I'll look into these.
You understood correctly.
I have a RPi running Wireguard, and a PC.
How would you use the RPi to wake the PC ? What is your method ?
My RPi runs Debian and docker.
Looks really cool. Thank you very much for the link :)
I never got this plug-in working. Tried again a couple weeks back, still no luck. I just gave up.
Thanks for the link. I've been following these instructions from start. Looks like it's searching for a while, but ends up saying "Jackett: connection error getting indexer list!"
Who needs new features when the most important ones are working perfectly anyway :)
Rise the temp of the milk to boiling temp, the glass won't care.
You might want to erase this post as the previous one already has interactions
Thanks for the feedback