[-] Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml 15 points 1 year ago

You are so fucking blocked.

I don't get brave's strategy here. This is such bad publicity for an already shady company.

[-] Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml 16 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I have prowlarr linked to my sonarr and radarr, and I use nzb360 on my phone. When away from home, I'm using a VPN tunnel to my network so I basically download a movie or series a minute after somebody recommended it.

You should also try overseerr or the cool new Reiverr.

[-] Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml 16 points 1 year ago

Reddit taught me this. It's great to cope with frustration while not engaging in a sterile argument.

[-] Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml 15 points 1 year ago

Fuck you and your movie, asshole.

[-] Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml 16 points 1 year ago

Because only lemmy.ml was popular 2 years ago.

[-] Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml 15 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

YouTube is making millions off the back of creators. They're not helping them apart from giving them some level of visibility in the unfair jungle that the algorithm is.

A form a subscription to your favorite creator on a platform like LBRY, ~~Odyssey~~ Odysee, Peertube goes directly to the creators without feeding the awful beast that google already is.

The problem is visibility. YouTube owns the monopoly of popular videos, and if we want alternatives to work, we need to support independent creators by tipping them, spreading the word and boycotting google.

That's how we'll see good content, without ads.

[-] Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml 15 points 1 year ago

That means he won't release the app outside of the playstore.

[-] Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml 15 points 1 year ago

Do you mean web.archive.org ?

Everything is archived some place or another anyway.

The point of erasing your content on Reddit is to lower the value of the site and be a pain in their ass.

People shouldn't erase their account. Not ever. Not until you are sure they won't keep restoring your content. Keep erasing your restored content, take screenshots beforegand, and report them under GDPR / Cali law. When they'll be forced to comply, then we can erase our account.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Hello all !

Following that post, I'm offering to noobs like me the opportunity to learn how to install Teddit with Docker.

Being a beginner myself, I don’t pretend to know the perfect or more appropriate way to achieve this, and I hope that more experienced people will join the conversation to correct and complete the informations I’m about to give.

Teddit is a free and open source alternative Reddit front-end focused on privacy.

#The config#

  • First, let's say you want to have your persistent volume at /srv/path/Teddit/
  • Create that volume. In it, create a config.js file.
  • Paste this and edit the names of the subreddits you want to "follow":
const config = {
  domain: process.env.DOMAIN || '', // Or for example 'teddit.net'
  use_reddit_oauth: process.env.USE_REDDIT_OAUTH === 'true' || false, // If false, teddit uses Reddit's public API. If true, you need to have your own Reddit app ID (enter the app ID to the "reddit_app_id" config key). 
  cert_dir: process.env.CERT_DIR || '', // For example '/home/teddit/letsencrypt/live/teddit.net', if you are using https. No trailing slash.
  theme: process.env.THEME || 'auto', // One of: 'dark', 'sepia', 'auto', ''. Auto theme uses browser's theme detection (Dark or White theme). White theme is set by the empty the option ('').
  clean_homepage: !('CLEAN_HOMEPAGE' in process.env) || process.env.CLEAN_HOMEPAGE === 'true', // Allows the clean homepage to be used (similar to invidious), instead of the usual reddit-like frontpage
  flairs_enabled: !('FLAIRS_ENABLED' in process.env) || process.env.FLAIRS_ENABLED === 'true', // Enables the rendering of user and link flairs on teddit
  highlight_controversial: !('HIGHLIGHT_CONTROVERSIAL' in process.env) || process.env.HIGHLIGHT_CONTROVERSIAL === 'true', // Enables controversial comments to be indicated by a typographical dagger (†)
  api_enabled: !('API_ENABLED' in process.env) || process.env.API_ENABLED === 'true', // Teddit API feature. Might increase loads significantly on your instance.
  api_force_https: process.env.API_FORCE_HTTPS === 'true' || false, // Force HTTPS to Teddit API permalinks (see #285).
  video_enabled: !('VIDEO_ENABLED' in process.env) || process.env.VIDEO_ENABLED === 'true',
  redis_enabled: !('REDIS_ENABLED' in process.env) || process.env.REDIS_ENABLED === 'true', // If disabled, does not cache Reddit API calls
  redis_db: process.env.REDIS_DB,
  redis_host: process.env.REDIS_HOST || '',
  redis_password: process.env.REDIS_PASSWORD,
  redis_port: process.env.REDIS_PORT || 6379,
  ssl_port: process.env.SSL_PORT || 8088,
  nonssl_port: process.env.NONSSL_PORT || 8080,
  listen_address: process.env.LISTEN_ADDRESS || '',  // '' will accept connections only from IPv4 addresses. If you want to also accept IPv6 addresses use '::'.
  https_enabled: process.env.HTTPS_ENABLED === 'true' || false,
  redirect_http_to_https: process.env.REDIRECT_HTTP_TO_HTTPS === 'true' || false,
  redirect_www: process.env.REDIRECT_WWW === 'true' || false,
  use_compression: !('USE_COMPRESSION' in process.env) || process.env.USE_COMPRESSION === 'true',
  use_view_cache: process.env.USE_VIEW_CACHE === 'true' || false,
  use_helmet: process.env.USE_HELMET === 'true' || false, // Recommended to be true when using https
  use_helmet_hsts: process.env.USE_HELMET_HSTS === 'true' || false, // Recommended to be true when using https
  trust_proxy: process.env.TRUST_PROXY === 'true' || false, // Enable trust_proxy if you are using reverse proxy like nginx
  trust_proxy_address: process.env.TRUST_PROXY_ADDRESS || '',
  http_proxy: process.env.HTTP_PROXY,
  nsfw_enabled: !('NSFW_ENABLED' in process.env) || process.env.NSFW_ENABLED === 'true', // Enable NSFW (over 18) content. If false, a warning is shown to the user before opening any NSFW post. When the NFSW content is disabled, NSFW posts are hidden from subreddits and from user page feeds. Note: Users can set this to true or false from their preferences.
  videos_muted: !('VIDEOS_MUTED' in process.env) || process.env.VIDEOS_MUTED === 'true', // Automatically mute all videos in posts
  post_comments_sort: process.env.POST_COMMENTS_SORT || 'confidence', // "confidence" is the default sorting in Reddit. Must be one of: confidence, top, new, controversial, old, random, qa, live.
  reddit_app_id: process.env.REDDIT_APP_ID || 'ABfYqdDc9qPh1w', // If "use_reddit_oauth" config key is set to true, you have to obtain your Reddit app ID. For testing purposes it's okay to use this project's default app ID. Create your Reddit app here: https://old.reddit.com/prefs/apps/. Make sure to create an "installed app" type of app.
  domain_replacements: process.env.DOMAIN_REPLACEMENTS
    ? (JSON.parse(process.env.DOMAIN_REPLACEMENTS).map(([p, r]) => [new RegExp(p, 'gm'), r]))
    : [], // Replacements for domains in outgoing links. Tuples with regular expressions to match, and replacement values. This is in addition to user-level configuration of privacyDomains.
  cache_control: !('CACHE_CONTROL' in process.env) || process.env.CACHE_CONTROL === 'true', // If true, teddit will automatically remove all cached static files. By default this is set to true.
  cache_control_interval: process.env.CACHE_CONTROL_INTERVAL || 24, // How often the cache directory for static files is emptied (in hours). Requires cache_control to be true. Default is every 24 hours.
  show_upvoted_percentage: !('SHOW_UPVOTED_PERCENTAGE' in process.env) || process.env.SHOW_UPVOTED_PERCENTAGE === 'true',
  show_upvotes: !('SHOW_UPVOTES' in process.env) || process.env.SHOW_UPVOTES === 'true', // If true, teddit will show number of upvotes in posts and points in comments.
  post_media_max_heights: {
    * Sets the max-height value for images and videos in posts.
    * Default is 'medium'.
    'extra-small': 300,
    'small': 415,
    'medium': 600,
    'large': 850,
    'extra-large': 1200
  setexs: {
    * Redis cache expiration values (in seconds).
    * When the cache expires, new content is fetched from Reddit's API (when
    * the given URL is revisited).
    frontpage: 600,
    subreddit: 600,
    posts: 600,
    user: 600,
    searches: 600,
    sidebar: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, // 7 days
    shorts: 60 * 60 * 24 * 31,
    wikis: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7,
    subreddits_explore: {
      front: 60 * 60 * 24 * 1,
      new_page: 60
  rate_limiting: {
    enabled: false,
    initial_limit: 100, // This is the amount of page loads one IP address can make in one minute without getting limited.
    limit_after_limited: 30 // When an IP is limited, this is the amount of page loads the IP can make in one minute.
  valid_media_domains: process.env.VALID_MEDIA_DOMAINS
    ? JSON.parse(process.env.VALID_MEDIA_DOMAINS)
    : ['preview.redd.it', 'external-preview.redd.it', 'i.redd.it', 'v.redd.it', 'a.thumbs.redditmedia.com', 'b.thumbs.redditmedia.com', 'emoji.redditmedia.com', 'styles.redditmedia.com', 'www.redditstatic.com', 'thumbs.gfycat.com', 'i.ytimg.com', 'i.imgur.com'],
  valid_embed_video_domains: ['gfycat.com', 'youtube.com'],
  reddit_api_error_text: `Seems like your instance is either blocked (e.g. due to API rate limiting), reddit is currently down, or your API key is expired and not renewd properly. This can also happen for other reasons.`,
   * Here you can configure the suggested subreddits which are visible in the
   * cleaned homepage, and in the top bar.
   * You should keep at least 'All', and 'Saved'.
   * If you set your configs with an environment variables for example with
   * docker-compose.yml, your suggested_subreddits config could be something
   * like this (note the quotes):
   * - SUGGESTED_SUBREDDITS=["Popular", "All", "Saved", "selfhosted", "linux", "datahoarder", "Monero"]
   * or
   * - 'SUGGESTED_SUBREDDITS=["Popular", "All", "Saved", "selfhosted", "linux", "datahoarder", "Monero"]'
  suggested_subreddits: process.env.SUGGESTED_SUBREDDITS
                        ? JSON.parse(process.env.SUGGESTED_SUBREDDITS)
                        ['Popular', 'All', 'Saved', 'AskReddit', 'pics', 'news',
                        'worldnews', 'funny', 'tifu', 'videos', 'gaming', 'aww',
                        'todayilearned', 'gifs', 'Art', 'explainlikeimfive',
                        'movies', 'Jokes', 'TwoXChromosomes',
                        'mildlyinteresting', 'LifeProTips', 'askscience',
                        'IAmA', 'dataisbeautiful', 'books', 'science',
                        'Showerthoughts', 'gadgets', 'Futurology',
                        'nottheonion', 'history', 'sports', 'OldSchoolCool',
                        'GetMotivated', 'DIY', 'photoshopbattles', 'nosleep',
                        'Music', 'space', 'food', 'UpliftingNews', 'EarthPorn',
                        'Documentaries', 'InternetIsBeautiful',
                        'WritingPrompts', 'creepy', 'philosophy',
                        'announcements', 'listentothis', 'blog'],

module.exports = config;

#The stack#

Then, and as a noob, I recommend deploying this as a stack in Portainer:


version: "3.8"


    container_name: teddit
    image: teddit/teddit:latest
# uncomment if running behind a reverse proxy
    #  - DOMAIN=your domain.tld
    #  - USE_HELMET=true
    #  - USE_HELMET_HSTS=true
    #  - TRUST_PROXY=true
      - REDIS_HOST=teddit-redis
      - "8080:8080"
      - teddit_net
      test: ["CMD", "wget" ,"--no-verbose", "--tries=1", "--spider", "http://localhost:8080/about"]
      interval: 1m
      timeout: 3s
      - teddit-redis
      - /srv/path/Teddit/config.js:/teddit/config.js

    container_name: teddit-redis
    image: redis:6.2.5-alpine
    command: redis-server
      - teddit_net


You're set up. Enjoy the few niche subs you didn't find here on Lemmy and browse them with maximum privacy :)

[-] Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml 18 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Libreddit is great !

There is also Teddit that you can easily selfhost too and import your followed subs to. Example using docker


version: "3.8"


    container_name: teddit
    image: teddit/teddit:latest
# uncomment if behind reverse proxy
    #  - DOMAIN=yourdomain.tld
    #  - USE_HELMET=true
    #  - USE_HELMET_HSTS=true
    #  - TRUST_PROXY=true
      - REDIS_HOST=teddit-redis
      - "8080:8080"
      - teddit_net
      test: ["CMD", "wget" ,"--no-verbose", "--tries=1", "--spider", "http://localhost:8080/about"]
      interval: 1m
      timeout: 3s
      - teddit-redis
#    volumes:
#      - /srv/path/Teddit/config.js:/teddit/config.js        #for your subreddits

    container_name: teddit-redis
    image: redis:6.2.5-alpine
    command: redis-server
      - teddit_net


Some public instances :





submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml to c/newcommunities@lemmy.world

It's a fun community. We are robust, we don't break, we drink milk. Read the sidebar for more info.




[-] Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml 16 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I've been using signal for a long time and managed to pull my family and close friends with me (I don't know how but fuck yeah).

I use pihole on my home network and mobile with wireguard. I blocked all meta / twitter / google / amazon domains.

I host my own instance of searxng.

I deleted all my content on Reddit and kept my account to delete restored comments / posts. I ask them to stop restoring my content under GDPR "right to be forgotten" and am waiting the 30 days delay to report them to the authorities with the proofs I gather.

I blocked ~~threads.com~~ threads.net on my mastodon account.

I live a fucking hell but it feels great messing up with big tech. Fuck them.

submitted 1 year ago by Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml to c/lemmy@lemmy.ml

With threads coming to the Fidiverse, I feel dirty and violated. I don't care about my posts being accessible from various instances, but I fucking don't want meta to use what I write, from my username to my subbed communites and such.

I leave in Europe where the app is not allowed right now. How can I protect myself from meta ?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml to c/lemmy@lemmy.ml

Hello !

I'm pretty new to Lemmy and I created a community I want people to know about.

Is there some place I can do that without being spammy or disrespectful ?

[-] Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml 16 points 2 years ago

Instead of thinking about what we could do on reddit, think about what we're going to do on Lemmy.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml to c/lemmy@lemmy.ml

I've been using Lemmy for almost a week and I'm loving it. But some aspects are still a bit obscure to me. For instance : I have my account on lemmy.ml. I used https://browse.feddit.de/ to find some communities. I want to subscribe to https://reddthat.com/c/rts.

What's the easiest way to do so ? It looks like the search function only shows communities from the instance I'm signed on.

Edit: apparently, the servers are experiencing a little slowdown. Typing !rts@reddthat.com is the search field returned nothing at first but finally worked at some random moment after spamming ':D

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Hello all !

Following that post, I'm offering to noobs like me the opportunity to learn how to install docker to a Debian system. Being a beginner myself, I don't pretend to know the perfect or more appropriate way to achieve this, and I hope that more experienced people will join the conversation to correct and complete the informations I'm about to give.

The first way I know of is the way I first installed docker and portainer on my machine. I used OpenMediaVault and omv-extras, which was quite straight formard. But depending on the version you are using, you might not find omv-extras anymore in OMV, and the new way of getting docker through it is in my opinion quite painfull.

So let's go with the simple way:

Pre-requisite : having Debian installed on your machine and SSH into it.

Set up the repository:

  1. Update the apt package index and install packages to allow apt to use a repository over HTTPS:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install \
    ca-certificates \
    curl \
    gnupg \
  1. Add Docker’s official GPG key:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
  1. Use the following command to set up the repository:
echo \
  "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian \
  $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

Install Docker Engine

  1. Update the apt package index:
sudo apt-get update
  1. Install Docker Engine, containerd, and Docker Compose:
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-compose-plugin
  1. You can verify that Docker Engine is installed correctly by running the hello-world image.
sudo docker run hello-world

Install Portainer

  1. Create Docker Volume to store the data:
docker volume create portainer_data
  1. Install Portainer Server:
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 --name portainer \
--restart=always \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v portainer_data:/data \

Access Portainer Dashboard

  1. In a browser, visit the following address:
  1. The first time you access Portainer, the system asks to create a password for the admin user. Type the password twice and select the Create user button.

  2. Select the Get Started button to go to the dashboard and start using Portainer in the local environment only.

You're set up ! Now, you can use simple docker-composes in Portainer stacks tab to deploy new apps and services.

[-] Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml 18 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I feel really bad for these people. I really hope they'll quickly find a good opportunity to leave.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Tiritibambix@lemmy.ml to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Hi all !

Like many of you, I'm coming from reddit.

I haven't posted much back there because I'm basically what many people call a noob.

I started learning self-hosting 2 years ago, and oh boy, this has been a journey. I've spent numerous sleepless nights trying to figure out stuff, and I now proudly run numerous services for fun, family and work.

But damn, how hard was it to KNOW WHAT TO LOOK FOR. To know what to ask. To know how to ask. To get out of the anomalous state of knowledge, where you want to learn, you want to know, but you don't know how.

Even though I'm comfortable with computers compared to many people in my surrounding, I'm no genius either. I had to learn Linux from scratch, had to find out about docker, containers, network and so on. And I did it mostly all by myself.

I tried posting to reddit, and I was also reading the sub thoroughly, but I was sad to see that beginners weren't always welcome. Many many downvotes, lots of "have you tried google" and more downvotes. I ended up creating a post to talk about this state of the sub, stating that veterans weren't welcoming at all. This post got a lot of traction and upvotes, comforting me in the idea that I was not alone.

It was important to draw a line between lazy posters, those who don't know how to use the search function, and those stuck in the anomalous state of knowledge. I know this might look like a thin line, but in reality, it is not. Because most of the time, a person really willing to learn (even though it is the most simple thing) will go into more details and passion than a lazy crowdsourcing newcomer.

I'm fleeing reddit because of the shitshow it is now (among other things), and I'm really happy to use Lemmy. From what I have seen, it is more consensual and a lot less toxic. I'd love to keep it that way, and I really hope this community will follow this direction.

That's why I decided to create a post on some sundays, when I'll have time, directly targeting the noob audience. I believe it will be a quick tutorial on how to install some popular service using docker. If I see that people dislike it, I'll stop.

But I really hope that we'll all remember that we all had to start somewhere, that we don't all have the same skills, capabilities and time.

I hope this wasn't too long of a post and that it wasn't too hard to understand. English is not my mother tongue.

See you all on sunday, have fun :)

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joined 3 years ago