Stör-t dich das so sehr?
Rule: never do anything you wouldn't like to explain to the paramedics
A look to die for.
You should be. Those women are vicious and horny. A bad combination if you aren't into them.
Die FDP ist der beste Beweis dafür wie korrupt unsere Politik und wie dumm unser Volk ist.
Either that or a few more friends. An unholy sabbath wont work without a proper orgy taking place.
Dude he pulled a gun on an unarmed man. Owning and carrying a gun outside of court? Yes, fine whatever. Inside the court where no one except the bailiff(s) is supposed to have a weapon? Nah mate. No fucking way.
It worked in Africa... for the swiss cunts at least. #fucknestlé
Unpopular Oponion: None of us has a soul Ergo: Porn is indeed free.
Well maybe you pay with your personal data and dignity though.
Instructions unclear. Roommate shat his pants while stabbing me repeatedly. Please advise.
Never let your potato-pc run after midnight. Or this will happen.
Bet they wished for him to have good health in the future as well. Damn those barbarians.