I'm not sure I believe that Vulcans would be frying a lot of their foods, but those fritters do sound pretty good. Maybe without dumping enough paprika onto the hummus to make the logo, though.

Speaking of fried foods, that Orion funnel cake looks like an atrocity.

Somebody warp me!


Not my OC


Not my OC

David Carusodo (i.imgur.com)

Not my OC


Not my OC


• “Star Trek: Section 31” is the 14th feature length Star Trek film, and and the first film made specifically for streaming.

    • Other Star Trek films include: “Star Trek: The Final Frontier”, “Star Trek Nemesis” and “Star Trek Into Darkness”.

    • The film was originally announced in 2020 as a series, before being transitioned to a movie in early 2023.

• The film’s title refers to the Section 31 organization first introduced in the DS9 episode, “Inquisition”.

• “Star Trek: Section 31” was directed by Olatunde Osunsanmi, who was the co-showrunner for DIS beginning with season three, and directed several episodes of that series.

• The screenplay was written by Craig Sweeny, who also a consultant on season one of DIS, and co-wrote the teleplay for the episode, “Context is for Kings”.

• Bo Yeon Kim and Erika Lippoldt are credited for the story; they were the going to be the showrunners for the “Section 31” television show, and wrote the pilot.

• The movie opens with a quote from the Greek playwright, Aeschylus. Michael Burnham also quoted Aeschylus in “The Sound of Thunder”.

• In a scene featuring a young mirror universe Phillipa Georgiou, we learn that the emperor of the Terran Empire is chosen via a battle royale of children ”culled from every corner of the Empire.”

    • In “In a Mirror Darkly, Part II”, we saw mirror Hoshi declare herself empress after taking control of the Constitution-class USS Defiant, and demanding Starfleet’s unconditional surrender. Granted, finding a ship from the future of an alternate universe is probably not a reliable enough occurrence to make it the basis of selecting your head of state.

    • In “Mirror Mirror” Kirk encourages mirror Spock to use the Tantalus field to change the course of the Empire, and in “Crossover” it is stated that he became the commander in chief, but he’s never referred to as having been the emperor.

• Georgiou tells her family the candidates for emperor were taken to Terra, implying that the scene takes place elsewhere. We know that the prime universe Georgiou was born in Malaysia, as per “Will You Take My Hand?”. Mirror Georgiou was aware of the fact.

• The character of San was first mentioned his body was seen in Georgiou’s flashbacks in “Scavengers”.

• The sword young Georgiou uses to maim San appears to be same one we saw her wielding later in life in “The Wolf Inside”. Or that one was modelled on this one.

• We learn that the head of Section 31 of the early 24th century apparently goes by Control, which was previously the name of the threat assessment artificial intelligence that went rogue, attempted to gain sentience, and kill all organic life in the galaxy in season two of DIS.

    • Control is portrayed by Jamie Lee Curtis. It’s a big reveal at the end!

    • The name Control originated in the Section 31 novels, “Disavowed” and “Control”, written by David Mack

• Control’s file on mirror universe Georgiou contains clips taken from season one of DIS, as well as the two episode mirror universe interlude in season three. According to Carl, the events of “Terra Firma, Part 1” and “Terra Firma, Part 2” took place in a test, not the actual mirror universe.

• Controls’ file says that Georgiou was brought to the prime universe in 2257, ”but after a few years we lost contact.” The events of season two of DIS take place almost immediately after season one, unless there were ”a few years” between the resolution of the Klingon war, and the USS Discovery setting out from Earth to pick up her new captain on Vulcan in “Will You Take My Hand?”.

• The Treat of Ka’Tann was mentioned in “Fallen Hero”, though it predates the Federation. Presumably the Federation still upholds the treaties established by Vulcan and other member states.

    • According to the map, shown, there are at least five Starfleet starbases on the other side of the border.

• According a chyron, it is stardate 1292.4. Which, if stardates were meant anything would place the film in season one of DIS, between “Battle at the Binary Stars” [stardate 1207.3] and “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum” [stardate 1308.9]. However, stardates don’t mean anything, and are a mind trap.

    • According to a display in the film, this would take place sometime after 2314, and would be before Rachel Garrett’s death in 2344, as per “Yesterday’s Enterprise”, but there is not much information available to narrow it down beyond that. Alok says he was

• We learn that Georgiou has set herself up as the owner/operator of a space station lounge, the Baraam. A deleted scene from the end of season one of DIS showed Leland recruiting Georgiou to Section 31 in brothel in the Orion district on Qo’noS that she took over.

• The Baraam’s majordomo appears to be from Cheron, which is notable only because according to “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield”, no one was left alive on Cheron falling the conflict between their two cultures. Granted, they are extremely long lived, and warp capable, so it’s entirely possible that Bele and Lokai were not actually the last of their people.

    • Unlike Bele and Lokai, who were both brunette, Virgil’s hair colour is also half black and half white.

• Among the weapons in Georgiou’s office are:

    • A bat’leth - Perhaps notably a TNG style iteration, as opposed to the DIS style

    • A mek’leth - One of the varieties introduced in DIS

    • A Romulan dagger

• Georgiou reveals that she was able to clock all of Alok’s Section 31 agents, as they are not particularly discrete. When they were introduced in “Inquisition”, Sloan, and the other Section 31 agents posed as regular Starfleet officers, with nothing particularly remarkable about them. In “Point of Light”, when Ash Tyler was recruited, he spoke of Section 31 as being something mostly viewed as a rumour among Starfleet officers.

”And since Vulcans never laugh…” We’ve seen Vulcans laugh, such as Sybok in “Star Trek: The Final Frontier”, as well as Tuvok in “Riddles”. Spock is half-human, but we’ve also seen him laugh in “Q&A”, and in “This Side of Paradise”. Granted, in “Riddles” and “This Side of Paradise”, both characters had their faculties compromised.

    • There is a song titled “The Laughing Vulcan and His Dog” mentioned in “Disaster”.

• It’s Rachel Garrett! From Star Trek! Garrett was introduced in “Yesterday’s Enterprise” as the doomed captain of the USS Enterprise C.

• We learn that Fuzz is not actually a Vulcan, but a microscopic being called a Nanokin piloting a robot facsimile of a Vulcan. The crew of the USS Endeavour seen in “The Best Exotic Nanite Hotel” was microscopic, though they were from an alternate universe where everything was smaller, so perhaps they don’t actually count and I’m just using this to explain Fuzz’s whole deal.

”Noe’s on his way to the Baraam to sell his latest creation to the Minosian High Council.” The planet Minos was first seen in “The Arsenal of Freedom”. The people there had reputations as arms merchants, and they wiped themselves out with their own weapons, which the USS Drake investigated.

    • According to a display Garrett brings on, the Minosian Council was responsible for the destruction of the USS Stratford in 2314.

• When we see Quasi change his shape, he first becomes a mass of pseudopods. In “Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country”, Martia’s transition from one appearance to another was much smoother and quicker.

• Georgiou -- and San -- has a device called a phase pod, which allows her move a person or object out of phase with the rest of the universe, enabling whomever is phased to move through things. The effect is very similar to what accidentally happened to Geordi and Ro in “The Next Phase”, via transporter mishap. Unlike Geordi and Ro, Georgiou remains in phase enough that light still reflects off her.

    • Also similar to Geordi and Ro’s experience, Georgiou and San do not simply fall through the floor.

• The mostly nude Andorian is played by David Benjamin Tomlinson, who played Linus on DIS, as well as a variety of other characters.

• Dada Noe informs Alok and Georgiou that he was able to cross over from the mirror universe due to the intersection of two ion storms opening a rift. Ion storms played a part in: Kirk, Uhura, Scotty and McCoy being transported to the mirror universe in “Mirror Mirror”; and Mirror Lorca being transported to the prime universe, as per “Despite Yourself”.

• We learn that Alok was born in the 20th century, and fought in the Eugenics Wars against the augments before being captured and made an augment himself. As per SNW, we know that the Eugenics Wars didn’t begin until the early 21st century.

    • Alok says he slept most of the time between the Eugenics Wars and current day, after being exiled. In “Space Seed” the USS Enterprise located the SS Botany Bay, on which 84 augments were traveling in cryostasis.

• The bridge of the garbage scow is a redress of the bridge set of La Sirena.

”He played you, Emperor; San’s alive.” Georgiou was born in 2202, and in 2256, she experienced a six month time jump while being transported to the prime universe. Then, in 2257, she ended up accompanying Discovery to the 31st century, where she had a brief stay before the Guardian of Forever booted her back to the early 24th century, 2314 at the very earliest. Young San appeared to be the same age as young Georgiou, so, unless San used some form of stasis, or hopped around time a bit himself, he should be, roughly 112 years old, at minimum.

• San’s ship has Georgiou’s sword displayed.

“We’ll reign over this universe with righteous mercy, not like you!” Through the course of the film, we’ve had multiple characters state just how monstrous Georgiou was as emperor of the Terran Empire, and her killing her own family and building a weapon so horrific its engineers took their own lives certainly aren’t doing much for her perception here. However, in “What’s Past Is Prologue”, Lorca berated Georgiou for being weak on border security, and not doing enough to preserve the Terran way of life.

• Turkana IV is the colony where Tasha Yar grew up.

• It appears that the Baraam is not stationary, and is actually a warp capable ship in it’s own right. And it also has a significantly large fleet? And Alpha Team is going to take all the Baraam’s guests with them on their mission to the planet with the roving ”rape gangs.” Anyways, we’ve seen stations serve as ships before, specifically the 31st century Federation HQ was used as evacuation lifeboats in “Coming Home”.


Not my OC


• The episode title is a reference to the series title, “Star Trek: The Next Generation”.

    • The PIC series finale was also a reference to TNG, titled “The Last Generation”.

• This is the 50th and, ostensibly, final episode of LDS, making it the ninth completed Star Trek series.

• The fleet of Klingon Birds-of-Prey all appear to be the same arrangement as the HMS Bounty, introduced in “Star Trek: The Search for Spock”, though it’s unclear what specific class they are.

    • The one exception is Relga’s flagship, which is larger than the others, and has a number of noticeable differences.

• We’re introduced to Relga, who is the sister of Dorg and Bargh, introduced -- an killed by Ma’ah -- in “wej’Duj” and “A Farewell to Farms” respectively.

    • Like her brothers, Relga has a pet targ.

• The rift directed to the prime universe by William Boimler in the previous episode, “Fissure Quest”, opens up in front of Relga’s fleet.

• The IKS Krtas is struck by the energies emitting from the rift, causing it to transformed into a 23rd century Bird-of-Prey, first seen in “The Butcher’s Knife Cares Not For the Lamb’s Cry”. Similarly, the ship captain’s armour is altered to be that of one of T’Kuvma’s followers, which we first saw in “The Vulcan Hello”. The captain himself loses his hair, but appears otherwise unchanged.

• Rutherford expresses disdain for the USS Cerritos’ older systems being unable to properly interface with his implant. This issue was mentioned earlier this season in “Shades of Green” and “Fissure Quest”.

    • This is also a reference to the modern day issue of trying to get both bluetooth headphones to pair with your phone while on your commute.

• We get a repetition of the moment at the end of the previous episode where Boimler receives the message from William regarding the imminent destruction of the prime universe, though this time we get the other lower decker’s reactions.

• Malor and Ma’ah were able to properly attach the animal tusks they had to their blood wine delivery truck, the task they set to at the end of “A Farewell to Farms”.

”Wake me if Kahless makes another appearance.” The clone of Kahless appeared in “Rightful Heir” and was installed by Gowron as a figurehead emperor. He was still emperor as of DS9 season four’s “Sons of Mogh”, but Malor’s comment implies that might no longer be the case.

”Sorry brother, but today is not a good day to die.” The iconic phrase, ”Today is a good day to die,” was first said in Trek by Worf in “Sins of the Father”.

• The Airolo scientist is voiced by Gabrielle Ruiz, who is T’Lyn’s voice actor.

• The rift’s Schrodinger field transforms the Cerritos into:

    • A Freedom-class starship - A wreck of the Freedom-class was previously seen in “The Best of Both Worlds, Part II”, though it did not have a deflector dish, and only one pylon connected the saucer to the nacelle

    • A second Freedom-class starship, with more yellow on the hull

    • A Terran Empire California-class - According to “Crossover”, the Terran Empire fell to the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance after Emperor Spock’s reforms weakened it, meaning there shouldn’t be a Terran Empire in the 24th century to have built the California-class, but presumably if there are infinite quantum realities, there exists one where the Empire didn’t fall

    • A Sovereign-class starship

    • An Oberth-class starship

    • A Galaxy-class starship

    • A Miranda-class starship

• Doctor T’Ana explains that the reason Relga’s ship does not appear to be changing is, ”It probably is; Klingons hardly ever update their fleet designs. They always want their ships to look like big stupid birds.” The Klingon Bird-of-Prey introduced in “Star Trek: The Search for Spock” was intended to be a Romulan ship, calling back to the TOS Romulan Birds-of-Prey. Even once the decision was made to have Klingons be the antagonists of the film as opposed to Romulans, early drafts of the script made it clear the HMS Bounty was a stolen Romulan ship.

    • One of the Klingon ships is transformed into a barge similar to the mythical Barge of the Dead seen in the VOY episode, “Barge of the Dead”, but this one has a mast.

• Olly is able to take down the Klingon shields, exposing them to the effects of the rift’s energy. Relga and her crew transform into mindless proto-Klingons, much like word did when de-evolved in “Genesis”, and her targ turns into a clam.

”Klingons do not hug.” All through TNG and DS9, Worf made several such proclamations regarding things that Klingons don’t do, most of which they actually do, but he’d prefer not to acknowledge the fact.

• Outside the stabilized rift we see:

    • A second California-class starship

    • A Parliament-class starship

    • A Luna-class starship

    • The USS Enterprise E

    • Starbase 80

• Captain Freeman is reassigned to Starbase 80 to oversee missions going into the rift. She learned her alternate self from the Minor Universe had been assigned to Starbase 80 in Dos Cerritos and preventing that fate became something of an obsession for her, as we saw in “Starbase 80?!”.

• Rutherford had his implant removed, and his face reconstructed. Shaxs ripped Rutherford’s original implant out of his head in “No Small Parts”.

• T’Lyn notes romantic attraction between Rutherford and Tendi, but Tendi states they’re just friends. “In Parth Ferengi’s Heart Place” we saw that their attempting to pretend to be a couple led the pair to be extremely awkward.

• We see Karavitus wearing a Chu Chu shirt. The Zebulon sisters performed the Chu Chu dance aboard the Cerritos in “Terminal Provocations”.

• O’Connor drops out of a portal in sickbay without his boots on. When he ascended in “Moist Vessel” his steaming boots were left behind.

• The practice of Twaining began in “Something Borrowed, Something Green”. Boimler and Rutherford were banned from twaining, but we see other characters, including Lundy, Big Merp, and Federov have taken it up.

• In Castro’s quarters, we see one of her salons, where apparently they’re attempting to summon an anaphasic lifeform from an ancient candleholder, similar to Ronin in “Sub Rosa”.

• Ransom has been promoted to captain.

• Ransom makes both Mariner and Boimler provisional first officers. When Captain Ramsey was briefly in charge of the ship, she selected Mariner to be her first officer.

• We see Fletcher serving aboard Starbase 80. He was last seen in “Terminal Provocations” where he was fired almost immediately after being transferred to the USS Titan, and sent back to Earth.

• Ransom chooses ”Engage the core” as his signature command for warp speed.


• The episode title may be a reference to the 1999 film, ”Galaxy Quest”, which satirizes Star Trek, and Trekkies.

• We learn that Rutherford’s cybernetic implant is called an oculus, which is a Latin word meaning ”eye.”

    • This is the second time this season Rutherford has been attempting to get his implant to reconnect to the USS Cerritos’ systems, the first being in “Shades of Green”.

    • We also learn that oculus can fire directed beams of plasma, which isn’t really a canon connection, but does renew my long held desire for a Star Trek fighting video game.

• Against all odds, Boimler’s ongoing facial hair storyline, the A-plot of the season, seems to have culminated in his growing a full beard, resembling that of Beardler, as seen in “Dos Cerritos”. Good for him.

”This is our last Boimler; we don’t got anymore after this.” Boimler learned his transporter duplicate, William Boimler, died in “Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus”. Of course, at the end of that episode, we the audience learned that William’s death was faked so he could join Section 31.

    • T’Lyn was not previously aware of Boimler’s duplication, conveniently allowing Tendi to recount the events of “Kayshon, His Eyes Open”.

”Shaxs exploded, and he’s doing great.” Shaxs sacrificed himself to save the Cerritos and Rutherford in “No Small Parts”, and returned to active duty in “We’ll Always Have Tom Paris”.

• In another quantum reality, we see that William is the captain of a Defiant-class Anaximander, presumably named for the Greek philosopher who speculated on the existence of multiple realities.

    • Mariner promised Boimler, ”We’re going to get your butt in a captain’s chair!” in “Second Contact”. That was before the transporter duplication, so it became true for at least one Boimler. Granted, Mariner’s direct involvement in William’s career was fairly minimal.

    • William wears a *”Star Trek: First Contact” uniform, with the conspicuous black Section 31 badge he received in “Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus”.

    • William is able to maintain a 5 o’clock shadow, though presumably that’s because he’s haunted by the actions he’s undertaken as a Section 31 operative, and not because he found an alternate reality where a very successful version of himself wears that facial hair style.

• The MSD of the Anaximander is…interesting to say the least. The Defiant-class has been shown to have four decks, and this MSD has at least double that, and the shuttlebay appears to be in the nose assembly, where the deflector dish, docking port, and phaser emitter usually are.

• The crew of the Anaximander is comprised of different individuals each from a distinct quantum reality, including:

    • T’Pol, portrayed by Jolene - This T’Pol comes from a reality where she and Trip Tucker were married for 63 years.

    • Curzon Dax, portrayed by Fred Tatasciore - Native to a reality where Curzon Dax hasn’t yet died. Also, appears to be more physically aggressive than the more libertine prime reality version described by both Captain Sisko and Jadzia Dax.

    • Doctor Garak, portrayed by Andrew Robinson - Garak apparently joined Starfleet to become a plain, simple surgeon.

      • Doctor Garak wears the “Star Trek: First Contact” uniform with a bright blue undershirt, similar to what we’ve seen previously on LDS. He is a lieutenant.

    • The Emergency Bashir Hologram, portrayed by Alexander Siddig - From a reality where an emergency medical hologram was modelled on Doctor Bashir.

      • The EBH wears the “Star Trek: First Contact” uniform with dark teal undershirt matching the live action version we’ve seen previously, and has lieutenant junior grade pips. In the prime reality, the Doctor never got pips or a rank, outside of one deception and his fantasies.

      • Doctor Bashir was a candidate for the model for the long-term medical hologram in “Doctor Bashir, I Presume”, before it was revealed he was genetically augmented as a child.

    • Harrys Kim, portrayed by Garrett Wang - So many Harrys Kim.

      • The Harrys Kim wear the DS9/VOY uniform, the “Star Trek: First Contact” uniform, and one is in the racing uniform introduced in “Drive”, and is clearly the cool bad boy of the group.

• Doctor Garak and the EBH are married. Good for them.

• William records the Stardate as ”Confidential” in his captain’s log.

• The Anaximander locates a Federation escape vessel, and William speculates as to who might be aboard. ”Neelix with a crew cut? Really big Spock?” “A Comprehensive Guide to Talaxian Hairstyles” was a book mentioned in the DIS episode, “Labyrinths”, and a giant clone of Spock was introduced in “The Infinite Vulcan”.

    • The occupant is another Harry Kim, who has some sweet corn on his collar, making him appear to be a lieutenant.

• Curzon slips Klingon words into his sentences, and wields a bat’leth. Prime universe Curzon was a Federation negotiator to the Klingon Empire, and joined in a blood oath with three Klingon Dahar masters.

”I’m so sick of the fucking multiverse.” The only entertainment available aboard the Anaximander is an archive of early 21st century superhero films.

”Lovers never fall out of the rifts for Curzon!” Prime reality Curzon Dax died mid coitus on Risa, as we learned in “Let He Who Is Without Sin”.

• As the Anaximander is repairing a rift, a type-7 shuttlecraft comes through in critical condition. When the occupant is beamed aboard it’s Mariner in a operations division LDS uniform, with ensign pips.

    • We previously saw prime universe Mariner wearing operations gold in “Moist Vessel,” though she was briefly promoted to lieutenant at the time.

• In Mariner Gold’s universe, it was Troi who was transporter duplicated and stranded on a planet, and not Riker.

• In the Mariner Gold universe, Boimler wears a leather jacket at all times. Prime universe Boimler replicated a jacket that was half leather, half letterman, all, ”boy’s size small.”

”What’s it like having your own quarters?” The Harrys Kim interrogate two-pip Kim about his life. Prime universe Harry had his own quarters aboard the “USS Voyager” despite being an ensign, and was also a member of the senior staff.

”Y’know, between all the Borg infiltrations and aliens trying to steal our organs, it didn’t seem like that big a deal.” Borg infiltrated Voyager in “Scorpion”, and the Vidiians tried to harvest the crew in “Phage”, “Faces”, “Deadlock”, and “Resolutions”.

    • It seemed like it might have been a big deal to prime Harry, who lamented not getting promoted when Tom Paris was in “Unimatrix Zero”.

    • Garrett Wang has said that he was told the reason Harry was never promoted was ”Someone’s got to be the ensign.”

”I know that you carry the Dax symbiont, which must be protected for its next host, of which there is none on the Anaximander*.”* In “The Host”, Riker was able to carry the Odan symbiont for a number of days until a Trill could be found, and we learned in “Forget Me Not” that a symbiont can bond with a human permanently.

• Mariner Gold is able to devise a plan to have the next rift opened by the people opening them appear where the Anaximander wants it to, resulting in the Beagle arriving in the same system.

    • The Beagle appears to have been based on the UCC Enterprise XCV-330, paintings of which were seen in “Star Trek: The Motion Picture”, “First Flight” and “Home”, and a model of which was displayed in “Star Trek Into Darkness”.

• The EBH claims that in his reality Risa ”has an entire moon devoted to growing heirloom grapes,” and Doctor Garak counters claiming his Risa ”has two vineyard moons.” In the prime reality, Risa has two moons, total, though there’s little information regarding how much viticulture is performed on either one.

    • ”You will once you taste their reds.” Apparently the EBH has a sense of taste.

”Oh, he’s a big Starfleet nerd, like Archer. You had one of those, right?” T’Pol confirms that she knew an Archer in her reality

• The Anaximander is able to land on the surface of Khwopa. This is the first time we’ve seen a Defiant-class ship land on a planet.

    • The turbolift shaft is able to be extended from the underside of the Anaximander to allow people to disembark.

• Mariner Gold complains about bog planets being wet and cold, echoing prime Mariner’s sentiments when she visited Khwopa in “Much Ado About Boimler”.

”At least they aren’t trying to drink our bones.” Moopsey!

”I’ve never been in a prison before, it’s kinda freaking me out.” Prime universe Mariner has:

    • Spent a significant amount of time in the brig aboard the Cerritos, and apparently other ships as well

    • Been imprisoned by the Galrakians in “Temporal Edict”

    • Assumed an alien party venue was a prison she was in in “Veritas”

    • Spent months in prison on Dilmer III in “Fully Dilated”

• The captain of the Beagle is Lily Sloane! From Star Trek! More accurately, an alternate version of Lily from a reality where she and Zephram Cochrane built a quantum reality drive as opposed to warp. Lily is portrayed by Alfre Woodard.

    • Captain Lily is wearing an ENT era uniform.

• Doctor Garak is able to retrieve a mobile emitter for the EBH.

”I don’t know what a warp drive is…” Captain Lily’s crew has Vulcans as well as humans, which raises the question of how she could be ignorant to the existence of warp, unless the Vulcans in her universe call it something else or are keeping it secret because humans have not achieved warp capability.

”You’d love to rub that in my face, wouldn’t you, Vulcan?”
”I would not.”
Vulcans lie all the time.

• T’Pol absorbs the Dax symbiont’s katra so it can be returned to Curzon’s reality. We’ve previously seen that a katra can be passed on from one person to another, such as McCoy hosting Spock’s memories in “Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan” and “Star Trek: The Search for Spock”, or Archer carrying Surak’s katra in “The Forge”, “Awakening”, and “Kir’Shara”. Similarly, a Trill host’s memories can be transferred to another being via the zhian’tara ritual, as depicted in “Facets”, “Choose to Live”, and “Jinaal”.

”Soliton waves will spread across all quantum realities!” Soliton waves were explored as a potential form of transportation in the TNG episode “New Ground”, but the experiment resulted in a wave that was going to destroy an inhabited world before the USS Enterprise D crew was able to devise a solution.


My reading -- and what appears to be the interpretation of others who've commented as well -- is that the transphobe thinks biology agrees with them, while the biologist are explicitly saying they do not align with transphobes.

[-] USSBurritoTruck@startrek.website 41 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Right, but what is the image saying that's false?

I'm sure that you feel like you're saying something very profound, but for most people that's just gibberish.

You also violated Starfleet protocols which require us to not interfere with developing cultures.


Jeepers, this is fucking clown shit. Have a time out.

[-] USSBurritoTruck@startrek.website 70 points 2 years ago

Fuck Jackie Marks and the appropriating grift he rode in on.

[-] USSBurritoTruck@startrek.website 32 points 2 years ago

• Dak’Rah speaks of a chancellor who asked him about a Klingon speaking on behalf of the Federation, and he uses masculine pronouns while doing so. The title of chancellor has been used to describe a variety of positions, but I suspect that I am not the only one who initially assumed Dak’Rah was speaking of the chancellor of the Klingon Empire, their head of state. Last we saw, L’Rell was still chancellor, after having taken over in “Will You Take My Hand?”

”tlhIngan maH taHjaj.” Ortegas recites the rallying cry of T’Kuvma’s followers from “The Vulcan Hello”, ”Remain Klingon.”

• Uhura learned about Aenar philosophy from Hemmer in “Memento Mori”, and we learned that they’re pacifists in “The Aenar”.

• Doctor M’Benga and La’an have been practicing Mok’bara, a Klingon martial art Worf taught aboard the USS Enterprise D as seen in “Clues”. As per “The Vulcan Hello”, prior to the Federation-Klingon War, there was effectively no contact between the Federation and the Empire for 100 years, which does raise the question of how two Starfleet officers would have been able to learn Mok’bara.

• The red martial arts uniforms Doctor M’Benga and Dak’Rah wear for their Mok’Bara sparing session resemble the ones we see worn in “Charlie X” when Kirk is showing Charlie Evans some throws in the work facilities. Except those uniforms had tight leggings, an a Starfleet delta on the chest.

• In the flashback to J’Gal, we see the Klingons there all wore their hair long. Every Klingon we saw in season one, from heads of Great Houses to guys urinating in back alleys, was bald, and in “Point of Light” we learned that it was specifically because they were at war, first with other Klingons, and then with then with the Federation. We also so that each House had individual customs for dress and body modification, so unreasonable to assume that whichever House Dak’Rah and the other Klingons who held J’Gal were loyal to did not engage in such tonsure.

     • The Klingon warlords we see Doctor M’Benga kill in the flashback are wearing the same armour as D’Chok in “The Broken Circle”.

• The D’k thag dagger was introduced in “Star Trek: The Search for Spock”.

• According to Doctor M’Benga’s service record, he was born in 2223, meaning he would be 36 years old.

• The subtitles for the episode call the Klingon homeworld ”Kronos,” but fortunately the map Number One gives to Pike has it labelled ”Qo’noS,” as it should be.

”How can we represent a Federation that believes in peace if we say some people aren’t allowed to make up for their past.” For example, Pike will probably be very grateful that during the events of “The Menagerie, Part I” the Talosians choose not to display the moment where he claimed, “It's just that I can't get used to having a woman on the bridge.” Look how far he’s come in only five years!

• Doctor M’Benga tells Dak’Rah, ”You turned me into a monster.” In “The Wounded”, Chief O’Brien tells a Cardassian officer, “It’s not you I hate, Cardassian. I hate what I became because of you.”

• Dak’Rah accidentally stabs himself during the struggle with Doctor M’Benga. In “The House of Quark”, a Klingon named Kozak accidentally stabbed himself while fighting Quark, an in “The Vulcan Hello”, the Klingon Torchbearer stabbed himself after ambushing Michael Burnham.

[-] USSBurritoTruck@startrek.website 39 points 2 years ago

”Have you noticed their references are weirdly specific?” Number One is also concerned about my going way over the character limit on this post.”

• Boimler power walks away after being startled by Number One. He claimed that power walking is more efficient in “Envoys”. Apparently Section 31 does it.

• Mariner tells Uhura that while she’s known for being a super-translating space adventurer in the future, part of that reputation is that she’s carefree. In episodes like “Charlie X” and “The Man Trap” we see Uhura singing in the recreation room, and flirting with Spock.

• Mariner performs the Picard Maneuver when standing up.

• On her PADD, Uhura is looking at examples of the Bajoran and Cardassian alphabets, which are labeled as such. This is the first indication that the Federation had made contact with either civilization prior to the TNG era.

     • There is a comatose Cardassian being held by the automated shipyard in “Dead Stop”, but no one actually really sees him.

• Starbase Earhart was first mentioned in “The Samaritan Snare” when Captain Picard tells Wesley the story of his being stabbed through the heart by a Nausican, and we first see the base in “Tapestry” when Q sends Picard’s consciousness back through time to that event.

     • “Tapestry” is also the first mention of dom-jot.

     • Mariner describes dom-jot as “A billiards game that Nausicans are terrible at, but love to bet on for some reason.” We see Mariner playing dom-jot against Nausicans at Starbase Earhart in “We’ll Always Have Tom Paris”.

• Pelia and Boimler share a moment staring at the warp core. Boimler has a long established history of being a fan of warp cores, going back to his first episode, “Second Contact”.

• Pelia’s quote, “I always pretended to be someone I wanted to be, until finally I became that someone…or he became me,”* is paraphrasing Cary Grant.

”Don’t yell Q, they haven’t met him yet.” Q first reveals himself in “Encounter at Farpoint”

     • ”They had kind of a Trelene thing going on.” Trelene appears in “The Squire of Gothos” and, so far no where else.

• The Enterprise crew starts expressing enthusiasm for the past, specifically the NX-01.

     • Pike mentions that he would be excited to set foot on Archer’s Enterprise. In “These Are the Voyages…” we learn that he is the one who wrote the parameters for a popular holo-simulation where the user plays the role of the NX-01’s chef.

     • La’an says she loves grapplers, which first appeared in the ENT premiere, “Broken Bow”.

     • Ortegas claims, ”I’m a huge fan of Travis Mayweather. First pilot of the NX-01*.” Presumably there had to be at least one.

     • Uhura mentions Hoshi Sato having spoken 86 languages. In “Two Days and Two Nights” it’s established that Hoshi learned 38 languages before having left Earth, and that she knows ”about 40” as of that episode.

• I believe this is the first time the Fleet Museum is referred to as the Starfleet History Museum, but both locations have the NX-01, as per “The Bounty”.

• We learn that Number One is featured on a Starfleet recruitment poster, including the words “Ad Astra per Aspera” which was the motto of the United Earth Starfleet and, we learn, of personal importance to Number one in the episode “Ad Astra per Aspera”.

     • The poster featuring Number One was not seen among the recruitment material Mariner and Boimler took when they set up their booth on Tulgana IV in “Reflections”.

• It was established that Tendi is the Mistress of the Winter Constellations in “We’ll Always Have Tom Paris”.

• It’s Jack Ransom! From Star Trek! Ransom is voiced by Jerry O’Connell.

“Oh, Numero Una, hottest first officer in Starfleet history.” Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O’Connell are married.

• Drinking the Orion delaq causes the Enterprise crew to experience visual hallucinations similar to what Mariner, and Boimler went through after being exposed to nitrous oxide in “Room for Growth”. Tendi was immune.

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