I blame social media and algorithms. My teen son for the longest time was leaning further and further right due to the content he was getting served on YouTube. He was making disparaging comments about women and how stupid they are. My wife and I who lean left had to sit down and have a talk with him about what he was saying and videos that he was getting served by YouTube (that popular red pill girl, I can't remember her name and andrew tate among other red pill stuff). He's a pretty smart kid, once we showed him data and articles that directly proved all the things he was watching wrong, he started to come around. He's been careful to believe things that he sees or hears on the internet more now. Occasionally, he'll bring things to us that we have to double take and fact check to see if it's wrong.
When is this happening? I've been telling my wife and kid that they need to stop using chrome for a year, but ublock is still working for them and blocking YouTube ads. They are the type that won't switch until it becomes a problem for them.
My thoughts exactly, the right will eat this up and use this the rest of the race. Anyone who was on the edge for voting for him probably just made up their minds. They'll blame the left for this.
Update: annnd it begins...
Damn, Lina Khan has been killing it lately.
NO position should ever be for life. It's ridiculous that we have 70/80/90 year olds running things forever until they die. They should retire and let the next generation take the reins. Age and term limits. Courts should not be able to be packed like this. Nothing should.
I'm still shocked to this day that police weren't mowing people down as they tried to force their way in. By not doing so, they basically said, "this is fine" IMO.
Anyone who did not successfully fight to keep their name out of the civil case could see their name become public -- including Epstein's victims, co-conspirators and innocent associates.
Well, this tells us that we probably won't see any notable people in the release then...
Guys guys, they're talking about us!
I say we start transplanting these fetuses into the people that don't want the women to get care. Let them deal with it. Just open them up, drop it in and close it up and send them on their way.
Fuck the CCP, fuck any Chinese citizen participating in this, fuck your mudda, fuck your whole ancesta, like a someboody fuck you bic, Taiwan numba wun
The amount of downvotes on comments trying to help people not get price gouged and comments supporting these subscription price increases shows me just how many corporate shills are actually out there. No wonder these corps keep getting away with this bullshit.
Edit: Wow so many people took personal offense to this...almost like it they know it's true but are afraid to admit it. Everyone is hurting financially right now, some more than others. Yet year over year, the prices keep going up even with record inflation and record profits. Keep shilling folks, enjoy emptying your wallets for the millionaires while you struggle.
They fall under the presidential records act so they aren't subject to FOIA until the 2030s.