[-] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 24 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)
  1. We have no conclusive evidence to suggest that gravity is propagated by particles. Currently, we think that it very likely might be, but we have not come up with models to quantize gravity. U would win a Nobel prize if u did that.
  2. Watch this
[-] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 5 points 19 hours ago

Exactly. Inflation ughhh... I can't even afford to buy two dishes a day... :(

[-] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 42 points 19 hours ago

Me till someone calls me a good boy uwu

[-] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 2 points 1 day ago

Who said there would be no centralised command? It would just be opt out. If an individual/community wanted to opt out of this, there would be noone forcing them to not do so.

As for evolution of political systems due to natural selection, would you say the same about democracy? Stable democracy that we know about today has existed only for the past 300 years. Women got the right to vote this century. If u r living under a dictatorship, would you use the same argument of natural selection to not fight for a democracy?

[-] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 5 points 1 day ago


Tankies rlly r delusional, huh

[-] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 5 points 1 day ago

U r assuming that anarchists would be peaceful n just roll over on their backs to show their tummies to Genghis Khan.

The goal of anarchism is freedom. The existence of a State means no freedom. Thus, anarchist militias unite to fight this threat. A stateless society doesn't equate an unorganised society.

[-] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 21 points 2 days ago

Just that they think that using house rules everyone agrees on is a great idea.

Kinda. The most important part is that if someone disagrees with the house rules, they can choose to disassociate from the house and go somewhere else. There's no state to say "this open field that's not utilized is mine, bitch!" and then taze you.

[-] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 1 points 2 days ago

Which I’m also not opposed to, if it was set up well

Wonderful! I'm working on it hard and fast. U'll most likely start seeing updates on it (actual images of the UI and so on) hopefully from tomorrow. I have an MVP almost ready (around 2 hrs of work remaining). I'll post about this from a different account soon!

[-] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 3 points 2 days ago

Hey, thanks for the response.

What would be the monthly membership fee?

I'm thinking of something like a minimum of 4.99/monthly contribution to become a member. Although I could change this amount with a little more market research. Just a quick clarification though. U wouldn't need to pay money for an account. U can be a free user. U just won't get voting rights, n u won't be able to participate in moderator elections.

What would be a reasonable SLA? If there is an outage on a Friday night, are the members okay if they wait until Monday to get it back someone online?

I don't believe there needs to be an official SLA. The coop isn't offering a service per say in exchange of money. It's kinda offering 90% of the service for free. Paying money gets u VOTING rights. U get a member share. U get to propose n vote on legislation to get what u want. Therefore, members would naturally propose and vote for the best service possible from the funds available.

What do you think is a good hour rate to pay for an admin? What should you pay for someone to stay on call?

Depends on:

  • Availability of funds
  • Need for more employees
  • Market rate

At the beginning, I would be the sole worker (the MVP is getting ready by Sunday). Decisions regarding hiring more workers for x pay would be made with time direct democratically by the worker and consumer body of the coop.

Can I run bots? How many? Does each bot count as a separate account?

The consumer n worker bodies would decide that. I personally would have no issues letting people run bots that are functional in nature n those that explicitly let themselves be known as bots. But again, detailed bot policies would be made by the members.

I think you'll see that as soon as you start asking people to put money and to feel like they "own" it, the demands will increase and so will the costs.

Honestly, I think the demands would give the coop enough pressure to take the most efficient decisions possible. They would give it a good developmental direction imo. Of course, I'm not saying that they can't get toxic. But I think I would prefer the toxicity of a democratic legislature any day over that of a rich shareholder.

Examples of other similar coops

The coops u mentioned seem to be primarily instance hosting coops. I'm talking more in terms of software development. Development of the lemmy backend n the client by the coop would be the primary focus of legislature instead of instance policies. Which features to sanction the development for and so on.

[-] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 13 points 3 days ago

Vaush, a market socialist streamer. He claims to be anarchist (but is actually more of a libertarian socialist who likes the existence of a market).

[-] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 45 points 3 days ago

He has made jokes about horse cocks before. He also accidentally opened a folder containing loli and horse cocks on stream once .

There's also an old out of context clip of him floating around "justifying cp because we abuse kids in labor camps that we get our rare earth metals, t-shirts, shoes n stuff like that from".

That is NOT what he meant to say. If u see it in full context, he was displaying the contradictions of neo liberalism, where working conditions even for children are absolutely shit. We hate child porn (as we should), but we don't hate the horrendous working conditions that our corporations make kids from poor countries go through. We justify stuff like this by pointing at the low cost that results from this cheap labor. This is absolutely disgusting. He was trying to say this, but got clipped out of context.

Doesn't help that tankies absolutely hate him too (he's a libertarian socialist who is pro Ukraine and anti CCP). I'm not saying that the guy is clean. Maybe he is a pedo. Maybe he isn't. However, an accusation like that requires some sort of evidence. Without it, it's just ad hominem. The amount of hatred that starts flowing after u even mention the guy's name is unjustified imo. I agree with him on some issues, n I disagree with him on others. Then, I move on. People unfortunately don't do that.

[-] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 4 points 3 days ago

Nono, I don't think that the Lemmy model would fail either. It just would... trudge along (if that's even a word haha). The potential of Lemmy is huge. In my opinion, we should totally push to get more and more users in. In other words, I think we should actively compete with corporate social media. Why?

For one, corporate social media is exploitative af. I wouldn't want my mum on that, with all of her data being stolen by the overlords. As for Lemmy, as much as I love the devs and the amazing work that they do, they are kinda like benevolent dictators. What they want to work wouldn't always overlap with what their donors want them to work on. Of course, they have the right to not involve donors. They are working for peanuts right now. But because of this financial inefficiency going on here, development isn't fast enough. My mum would find it very hard to use Lemmy for instance.

I would like my mum to be on this platform. I would like her to see how cool it is. However, for that to happen, money needs to flow here. We need more developers (who get respectable salaries). The model that I'm proposing would ensure both, workers' and consumers' rights here. My hypothesis is that consumers would be more interested to put in money in a platform that they can democratically participate in. Workers would like to work in a platform where they too can participate democratically and earn respectable amounts of money.

If we have to make this competitive, then I believe that we would have to adopt the above model. The donations based model just seems too chill to take on the corporations imo.

submitted 4 days ago by UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

The idea is simple. A worker-consumer hybrid coop that develops, maintains and hosts a lemmy-like fediverse platform that is open sourced.

There r two pricing tiers- a free and paid tier. If u pay a monthly membership fee, you become a member of the consumer body. If u r hired by the coop, u of course become part of the worker body.

The core of the coop's workings are direct democratic. Creating, filling and destroying job positions are all done direct democratically. To pass a piece of legislation, either one of the following conditions need to be met:

  1. Simple passing: Both, worker and consumer bodies cast more than 50% votes each for the given bill.
  2. Consumer override: If the consumer body casts more than two thirds of the votes for a bill.

Assume that the quality of the platform is as good as Lemmy is right now. Assume that the functionality is similar too.

Would you be interested in being a member? Do u think this is a good idea?

I personally find Lemmy's current donations based model to be severely lacking from a fundraising point of view. There needs to be a better form of organisation imo.

The direct democratic consumer coop element would bring in more people imo. I'm hoping that the worker coop element prevents worker exploitation.

Do you think this is an absolutely horseshit idea? Or do u kinda like it? Or do u have any suggestions? I'm seriously considering this, which is what made me ask this here. I have a Lemmy client nearing the MVP stage which I was developing with this purpose in mind. Sorry if this is the wrong community for the post.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee to c/music@beehaw.org

I love this artist so much! Please do check her out.


TLDR: Google's DeepMind has developed a new open sourced AI system called AlphaProteo, which can design novel proteins that bind to target molecules. This technology has the potential to accelerate progress in various fields, including drug development, disease understanding, and diagnosis.

AlphaProteo was trained on vast amounts of protein data and has learned the intricate ways molecules bind to each other. It can generate candidate proteins that bind to target molecules at specific locations, and its designs have been validated through experiments.

The system has shown promising results, achieving higher experimental success rates and better binding affinities than existing methods. It has also been able to design successful protein binders for challenging targets, such as VEGF-A, which is associated with cancer and complications from diabetes.

However, the system is not perfect and has limitations, such as being unable to design successful binders against certain targets. To address these limitations, DeepMind is working to improve and expand AlphaProteo's capabilities.

The development of AlphaProteo raises important questions about responsible development and biosecurity. DeepMind is working with external experts to develop best practices and is committed to sharing its work in a phased approach.

Overall, AlphaProteo has the potential to revolutionize protein design and accelerate progress in various fields, but it requires careful consideration of its limitations and potential risks.

submitted 2 months ago by UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee to c/canada@lemmy.ca

Hey everyone!

So I'm finally moving to Canada very soon (yayy). I'm moving to Calgary specifically. I asked this question in the Calgary community too, but I'll ask it here too for a Canada wide answer.

Are there any good cooperatives that I can support and purchase from? Sayyy large home furniture coops or phone co-operatives and so on... Are there any good news cooperatives? Maybe some nice clothing cooperatives? I know that credit unions are more province specific, but still... Any good credit unions that have a good Canada wide presence? Maybe little artisan shops in say some small town in Ontario that make good stuff n ship it across Canada?

Any name drops would be appreciated!

PS: I've heard about Calgary Coop, so yeah... Anything more than this?


With all the negative stuff going on (Trump's failed assassination) and everything, it is natural to get absorbed in the doomerism. Of course, pretending that nothing scary is happening isn't the best thing to do. Scary stuff is happening, and we need to take action.

That being said, I personally trust Americans to do the right thing. Trump won't win, and America won't go fascist. This is because good people will fight and win. Same goes with other countries (France and the UK for example).

Leaving politics aside, there's a lot of hope ahead. Science and Tech is advancing, life expectancy is increasing, investment in transit is increasing, countries r going greener, etc. Many cancer therapies r coming out (see the cancer vaccines for instance). Many cities have done some much needed land rezoning, due to which affordable housing will be a thing, 15 minute cities will be more and more common and so on.

The future is looking good, exciting stuff is happening and EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT.

Again, a little fear is good. Fear is what prevented early humans from being killed by predators, and it is what will prevent bad things from happening to us in the future. However, letting it consume our lives is a little counter intuitive.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee to c/lemmydev@lemm.ee

I'm using lemmy-js-client for app development. I want to render comments in the nested form (like normal people do).

The problem is, the lemmy backend spits out comment lists in a fashion that is unfriendly for nested rendering. Why? It outputs comments whose paths are like follows (for example):


Let's say the limit that I've set here is 10. Many a times, the parent comments of the comments in the page are out of the page.

For example, let's say I asked lemmy for comments for a given post. It gives me an output like above. There are many children comments here on page 1 (like, and so on). Their parent (0.1.2) is NOT on this page. It is on the page that follows.

Hence, I would need to do client side bs to get the correct parent comments.

What is your approach for doing the above?

This is what I have settled for now unfortunately. I fetch all the comments under a post and then convert them in my nested form. This means, that my app doesn't paginate. This thus results in really slow loading times for posts with more comments. The more comments a post has, the slower they will load. This sucks.

I tried other ways, mind you. While implementing pagination, I simply removed orphan comments when on a given page. If the user decided to go to page 2 (simply by scrolling), suddenly, these orphan comments would not be orphans anymore due to them finding their parent comments. This in turn, fucked with my ui completely (which was obvious), thus making the list randomly scroll like crazy. This was a really shitty experience for the user.

Sooooo what have you guys done? How have you handled the situation?


Neural networks have become increasingly impressive in recent years, but there's a big catch: we don't really know what they are doing. We give them data and ways to get feedback, and somehow, they learn all kinds of tasks. It would be really useful, especially for safety purposes, to understand what they have learned and how they work after they've been trained. The ultimate goal is not only to understand in broad strokes what they're doing but to precisely reverse engineer the algorithms encoded in their parameters. This is the ambitious goal of mechanistic interpretability. As an introduction to this field, we show how researchers have been able to partly reverse-engineer how InceptionV1, a convolutional neural network, recognizes images.



Disclaimer: The hyperloop is an absolutely shit idea right now. I do not support building in any form right now.

Now to the shower thought: Theoretically, a hyperloop can get you from place A to place B on the planet in less than 40 min (back of the napkin calculations assuming constant acceleration and deceleration of around 1G). Being completely underground (more on that below), it would also be a really good piece of infrastructure safe from arial/orbital bombardment.

Now to the obvious problems: We need the tube to be very very straight to achieve high speeds without killing our passengers. We would want the hyperloop to enter city centers. Building such a straight thing in city centers would require a lot of demolition. Therefore, we would have to get it underground. Bringing it on the ground again outside cities doesn't make sense because we would be introducing steep upward curves, thus reducing its maximum speed. Therefore, it makes sense to build this thing completely underground. Building underground also gives us many more benefits like not having to do much land acquisition, safety from violent attacks and so on.

Our tube would have to be incredibly airtight. It absolutely cannot have any leaks anywhere. Also, we need to be able to achieve incredibly low chamber pressures and maintain them.

If we are building this underground, we would need a shit load of energy to dig and transport the material outside the tunnel. We would also need a shit load of steel and other resources for these incredibly long tunnels.

Where do we get this energy? Where do we mine these resources without destroying the planet? Now this is where the "future" part comes in. We would need energy to be incredibly cheap. The only viable long term method (by "long term", I mean it from the civilization time scale) would be via nuclear fusion. When is nuclear fusion happening? Well, it's only 30 years away! /s Jokes aside, the energy source might be when nuclear fusion not only becomes possible, but also incredibly cheap (the nuclear reactor shouldn't cost billions lol).

About the resources? Well, we probably need to mine them on the moon, no? The moon has A LOT of them right on the surface. If we can mine them and send them back home, we solve our resources problem!

Well, you might ask- doesn't it make more sense to just have spaceships with engines propelled by nuclear fusion that exit the atmosphere, go at hypersonic speeds and then drop in? Why build expensive underground continent spanning tunnels? Well, what if we are attacked by aliens? They could easily blockade our airspace. Hell, just dropping a few million stealthy pebbles in our lower orbits would be enough to stop all hypersonic travel (the risk of ships exploding on contact with these pebbles would be too high for air travel to continue). Hypersonic spaceships would also face the problem of traditional aircrafts- you would need to build spaceports far from city centers. These spaceports would require a lot of space and cause a tremendous amount of noise pollution (constant sonic booms for every launch and landing).

Therefore, I think I have made my mind. I think I would be voting for a hyperloop proposal that possibly would be tabled in our direct democratic government a 100-150 years from now!

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