Unfortunately, for the average left-leaning lib/succdem, symbolic victories and vibes are all politics consists of. I recently made the mistake of airing some doomerism about the state of EU politics to my overwhelmingly succdem family, essentially just saying that I believe fascism will continue to gather support in Europe as long as the "left" continues its strategy of moving right to counter the right, after which (surprise) the right says "thanks" and moves further right.
This was met with a) astonishment at where I got these "conspiracy theories" from, b) concern trolling ("are you doing all right? I get worried about you when you say these things") and c) vibes ("I have to believe things are getting better!").
All participants in this conversation are people I would call above-average in terms of political literacy among libs/succdems. And even they are just completely checked-out. They are also all quite excited for Kamala Harris
It's good to bring him up when talking to liberals about the necessity of violence to achieve liberation (something they'll vehemently deny). Usually, they respond by going "well Nelson Mandela was peaceful, unlike [insert unacceptable resistance movement]!". After which you can point to all the bombings and acts of "terrorism" that uMkhonto weSizwe engaged in. That can then lead to a productive convo about how those aren't actually blemishes on an otherwise peaceful and democratic struggle for freedom, but is itself part of the struggle for freedom (and, of course, based af).