Heres the thing. US police like to just let chuds do what they want. So i think theres a chance a few random chuds could like take state capitol buildings hostage and the police will be like omg what do we do lets just stand around cuz we cant fight our fellow chuds! But nothing will come of it itll just be more liberal hand wringing.
Altho i feel like Trumps gonna win tbh.
Well "intelligence" is a pretty vague term. Different people are good at different things. Intelligence isnt like a CPU clock or whatever where you can give it some general score. One person might be really good with language, and another is really good at math, or another is musically gifted, etc. How do you decide who is more "intelligent" between them? When theyre all amazing at different things? I know a guy who can barely put a sentence together, and struggles to understand what im saying sometimes, but he can take a car apart and put it back together again from memory.
Now as for if certain mental disabilities have a co-morbidity of trouble with speech im sure they do tho im no expert. Its very common for 1 condition to have a few other conditions that commonly accompany it. You can look up the specific diagnosis you have and check what the co-morbiditys are online.