So it was during her 2016 run i think. She went to some normal persons place in NYC and i guess she is so out of touch shes never seen a normal NYC apartment before, and her rich person brain short circuited.
Well "intelligence" is a pretty vague term. Different people are good at different things. Intelligence isnt like a CPU clock or whatever where you can give it some general score. One person might be really good with language, and another is really good at math, or another is musically gifted, etc. How do you decide who is more "intelligent" between them? When theyre all amazing at different things? I know a guy who can barely put a sentence together, and struggles to understand what im saying sometimes, but he can take a car apart and put it back together again from memory.
Now as for if certain mental disabilities have a co-morbidity of trouble with speech im sure they do tho im no expert. Its very common for 1 condition to have a few other conditions that commonly accompany it. You can look up the specific diagnosis you have and check what the co-morbiditys are online.
Hope you have a good birthday
I like to phrase it this way. In America the market is a wild animal. A coyote that is opportunistic and feral. In China is is domesticated. A dog that is kept leashed. And should it become feral it will be put down.
Heres the thing. US police like to just let chuds do what they want. So i think theres a chance a few random chuds could like take state capitol buildings hostage and the police will be like omg what do we do lets just stand around cuz we cant fight our fellow chuds! But nothing will come of it itll just be more liberal hand wringing.
Altho i feel like Trumps gonna win tbh.
Ya for sure. If you havent yet and your in the US have an emergency plan. Have a bug out bag ready with some basics, important documents ready to go, and organize with local people you trust. If it goes bad your gonna want to be able to move and do it fast. Be prepared to leave your home and never return if it comes to that. There will always be some areas that are safer than others and as leftists our only hope in a worst case scenario is to all go to a safer area, and hopefully we can contribute somehow to the axis of resistance. If not then atleast survive.
If you dont think youll be able to run start laying the groundwork now to hide. Blend in with the people around you dont stand out. Scout out areas locally you could lay low for a few days. Abandoned buildings, wooded areas, etc. Have hair dye, and an outfit that isnt gonna stand out ready. If a brown shirt came to your neighborhood and asked "Any commies live here?" Would a neighbor maybe point to you? Change that to a NO if you can.
Some American Somewhere:
People want trains.
Trains? Okay
Behold A Train!
That is a car.
Nah cuz its still just too big and too fast. Small candidates need like time to build up momentum to get off the ground. And they cant break thru and get traction in a huge national election at all cuz they dont have the funds to buy ad space and stuff nationally yet. Limiting it to a small area makes it a lot cheaper to compete.
I think that still runs into the problem of the first state being like really conservative. I think if ur looking to like change the system as little as possible and improve the primary a bit maybe you could find like a low population state that also leans heavily in your favor typically in the general and start there? That way its a small test run election with your actual base. Or maybe do like city primaries? Like NYC, LA, etc have their own primary elections, party sponsored events where all the candidates get to speak, and then broadcast them nationally. Then do a big national primary a few weeks or months later?
But tbh i think the main issue is that the primaries atleast for the dems are generally just rigged anyway. Youve got like super delegates, and back door deals to stop any left leaning candidates.
Israel sinking a US Navy boat off the Gazan coast and blaming Hamas in a false flag to draw the US into a ground war in Gaza would be entirely within their MO
id teach them how to jump super high over humans heads and shit on them like a bird. Let them express their distaste for people they dont like.
Not right away. I have grown to have a healthy caution towards new things when it comes to what i put in my body. I would give it maybe 5 years or so. Enough time for them to do some multi-year studies on any potential health effects. Im not just gonna take some companies word that these meats are what they say they are.
I have no problem with the idea of lab grown meat on its own i just don't trust companies to do it right.