DEI is just a dogwhistle for homophobia and racism. The issue with the Trump voters is he courts lots of just like pissed off poor white people and he redirects their anger at liberal elites towards immigrants, trans people, gay people, POC, etc.
If the economy wasn't set up in such a way that these people are so poor theyd be less likely to buy into all that nonsense. Happy people dont join cults generally. Its the desperate and angry that join movements like that and then get radicalized to the right.
But ya i mean the whole degree or no degree is really just a "did you have 25 grand to get this piece of paper with at 18?" signifier. Its a class designator. Just like how in ancient times higher classes wore different colored clothes and whatnot.
Like for example take a retail worker vs someone at head office. The retail worker makes dirext contributions to tons of sales and if theyre gone for 1 hour shit starts to fall apart. Yet they make minimim wage usually.
The one at head office has pointless meeting all day, and if they stop working for an hour no one notices. Yet they make significantly more money.
The money made by a job isnt based on the value of the work in companies like this its based on the class of worker that applies for said job.
Now outside of large companies this isnt always the case as you can have trades, and sole proprietorships, etc. But those are some rare exceptions.
In general they place "high class" or "middle class" jobs behind a degree requirement even if the job isnt really very hard and a highschool education would be fine to do it.
Even highschool's in the US are classed. Since they're largely funded by property taxes high property values means better schools. And we have different curriculum in different schools too. There are highschools in rich areas which emphasize thinking outside the box, social skills, etc then in poor areas its more do as your told, heavy punishment rates, keeping people in line. This plays into the school to prison pipeline too. Prison is the lowest class in America as it is used for slave labor.
Americas classes are generally like this:
Capitalists: The ones who own everything billionaires 100+ millionaires etc
High class: some politicians, CEOs, people who typically act as a proxy and serve the will of a capitalist. Altho some capitalists choose to do these jobs themselves.
Upper middle class: People making significant money living very comfortably but who arent filthy rich. These are typically your highly skilled professional types. Doctors, Lawyers, etc.
Middle class: This is a very mixed bag but one of the main jobs of the middle class is to manage the lower classes. So its common for them to fill managerial roles.
Lower class: your poor workers who do whatever job they can to make ends meet.
Prison Labor: The millions of people in Americas prisons who do hard manual labor for pennies as a slave workforce. Usually in prison for some stupid bullshit that shouldn't be illegal or shouldn't have such a harsh sentence.
There are lots of signifiers to let people know what class you are that are baked into the system. Money being an obvious one, but degrees, criminal records, the way you dress, car you drive, phone you have, etc all play into it. And people subconsciously take note of it all the time. I personally find it to be an inhumane and gross system so i dont try to participate in it.
It does support english ya and even works outside China for navigation. It doesnt have all the same locations like resturants and stuff sometimes tho