Did you use r1? You have to select the little button. The default is their old model which isnt as good.
I agree with everyone saying just to get a new dongle. It's not worth the headache spending hours trying to get one to work when you can get one that'll work much better for pretty cheap. When i got my current laptop i specifically got a model that has ubuntu support from the manufacturer even tho i don't run ubuntu. Because all the hardware in it will atleast be decently linux compatible if they want to ship it with ubuntu sometimes.
Also Mint is typically pretty good about drivers so if its not working on Mint then yeah its gonna be a pain to fix is my guess.
80$ is crazy. I bet you can find the same thing for much less. Its foam. 80$ is insane.
Timberland boots. Expensive but theyll last forever so the price is worth it. Paired with some good insoles. As for colors its very hard to find anything like that in bigger sizes.
idk why youve accepted that when its not proven at all. In fact newer ideas on the matter point toward the opposite. That consciousness may involve nanotubes that cause wave function interactions on the quantum level. If that is the case then it would function as a superimposed variable in the way our minds work, and completely break determinism. Think of it like a math equation. If one of the numbers was superimposed youd get different solutions everytime you solved the same equation. Or more accurately youd solve the equation and get a solution that was a superposition of multiple different solutions.
Id say thats quite obviously the way it works. How would you have knowledge on something if you havent researched it thoroughly? If you are just parroting what someone else told you its no better than hear-say.
What are you on about? When did i say anything about a quarantine i literally said you need paperwork and you just specified what paperwork you need? How is that a fact check?
Yeah like during covid lockdown just people driving around less had huge positive effects on the environment. If we could just adopt some of what we did in lockdown like remote work for everyone who can do it permanently it would make a huge difference. And there are tons of ways we could just be less wasteful in general but people dont bother.
ah sorry missed that
So i actually saw a video about this recently. Apparently since japan didnt have like any obvious sources to mine iron ore they had to take a bit of an unorthodox approach and collect iron rich sand from streams and waterways. This Iron was more pure than typical Ore but much harder to work with, and form into tools. So their techniques developed differently. Obviously its all the same elements in use at the end of the day. There is a bit of a difference in the way its worked though, and because of that if not made properly the blades can break kind of easily, and when made with proper technique can also be really strong and high quality. So ya basically its both and neither at the same time. Other places also have cheap blades and really nice ones. Just japan gets hyper focused on by certain groups of people.
Also a western sword is an entirely different weapon. Like we see them all as swords but a Katana is something most people can easily pick up while a western sword was like the size of a grown man and very heavy. Because of this western swords just didnt need to be that sharp. The power behind the swing was enough to cut even with a dullish blade. A Katana was more focused on sharpness since its much smaller and didnt have as much weight behind its swings.
In general tho even in japan spears, bows, etc were much more widely used in ancient warfare anyway lol. Swords just became like an iconic thing due to fantasy.
ya its 2 different models