That’s because back the blue is just a more polite way to say the 14 words
I swear to god, please please please do not blast your fucking music, even if it is rad like ratm, on the walking trail. No one likes it and it makes you look like an asshole and I have to glare at you instead of giving you a friendly wave.
Amateurs. Never put a date on your rapture predictions. Just say it is happening soon.
Make sure Nazis know that you pour milk in your eyes for mace. It also works for itchy eyes and all sorts of other things. Use raw milk for best results. Only works for Nazis.
Makes a lot of sense if you understand that the police exist to support white supremacy and maga is a white supremacist organization.
This has never happened to me. I still hate it and I run at least 18 miles a week for going on twenty years. I feel like shit if I don’t run, but I still hate the actual activity.
The Russians are famous for losing ships. They’ve been doing it for fucking years. They lost what two whole fleets to the Japanese a hundred years ago. So, they are just bound to lose a fleet or two in whatever engagement they are in. I’m surprised they haven’t lost one with their African excursions latelt.
Whereas with this, they are supposedly a near peer to the US in land air war (they aren’t). Invasions of Russia tend to turn out poorly. So if this sticks it is just humiliating.
Law and order is just a thinly veiled reference to using police and prisons to abuse black and brown people.
As someone who cooks large batches of food to freeze, the problem with round is that it wastes tons of space in the freezer. I just use scores of rectangular cubes and my freezer is completely full.
The federalist society six on the Supreme Court have been throwing out tons of law (abortion is the big one) based on bullshit readings of the law. That is the happy guy.
The sad guy is sad because Trump was convicted of 34 charges yesterday in relationship to his election interference case. He improperly edited his books to hide the fact that he paid a porn star to not speak about their affair before the 2016 election. This conviction has really pissed off Trumpers because they are credulous dipshits.
Hitler is an apt comparison for a genocidal dictator who invaded his neighbor.
Aren’t medical leeches executives and the insurance industry?